Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationHSC Science Class 12

Write a short note on the prisms making use of total internal reflection. - Physics



Write a short note on the prisms making use of total internal reflection.

Short Note


Prisms can be designed to reflect light by 90° or by 180° by making use of total internal reflection. The critical angle ic for the material of the prism must be less than 45°. This is true for both crown glass and flint glass. Prisms are also used to invert images without changing their size.

Prisms making use of total internal reflection

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Chapter 6: Ray Optics - Evaluation [Page 49]


Samacheer Kalvi Physics - Volume 1 and 2 [English] Class 12 TN Board
Chapter 6 Ray Optics
Evaluation | Q 15. | Page 49


 A converging lens has a focal length of 20 cm in air. It is made of a material of refractive index 1·6. If it is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1·3, find its new focal length.

For the same value of angle of incidence, the angles of refraction in three media A, B and C are 15°, 25° and 35° respectively. In which medium would the velocity of light be minimum?

Why does a diamond shine more than a glass piece cut to the same shape?

A narrow beam of white light goes through a slab having parallel faces.

(a) The light never splits in different colours

(b) The emergent beam is white

(c) The light inside the slab is split into different colours

(d) The light inside the slab is white

The refractive index of a material changes by 0.014 as the colour of the light changes from red to violet. A rectangular slab of height 2.00 cm made of this material is placed on a newspaper. When viewed normally in yellow light, the letters appear 1.32 cm below the top surface of the slab. Calculate the dispersive power of the material.

What is angle of deviation due to refraction?

When a light ray is incident on a prism at an angle of 45°, the minimum deviation is obtained. If refractive index of material of prism is `sqrt2`, then angle of prism will be ______.

`sin  pi/4=1/sqrt2, sin30^circ=cos60^circ=1/2`

Light travels from an optically denser medium 'A' into the optically rarer medium 'B' with speeds 1.8 × 108 m/s and 2.7 × 108 m/s respectively. Then critical angle between them is ______.

1 and µ2 are the refractive indices of media A and B respectively.)

Three immiscible liquids of densities d1 > d2 > d3 and refractive indices µ1 > µ2 > µ3 are put in a beaker. The height of each liquid column is `h/3`. A dot is made at the bottom of the beaker. For near normal vision, find the apparent depth of the dot.

A convex lens made of material of refractive index 1.5 and having a focal length of 10 cm is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 3.0. The lens will behave as ______.



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