Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationSSLC (English Medium) Class 10

Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board chapter 1 - Laws of Motion [Latest edition]



Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board chapter 1 - Laws of Motion - Shaalaa.com

Solutions for Chapter 1: Laws of Motion

Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 1 of Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Samacheer Kalvi for Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board.

Evaluation [Pages 13 - 15]

Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board 1 Laws of Motion Evaluation [Pages 13 - 15]

Choose the correct answer

Evaluation | Q I. 1) | Page 13

Inertia of a body depends on

  • weight of the object

  • acceleration due to gravity of the planet

  • mass of the object

  • Both a & b

Evaluation | Q I. 2) | Page 13

Impulse is equals to

  • rate of change of momentum

  • rate of force and time

  • change of momentum

  • rate of change of mass

Evaluation | Q I. 3) | Page 13

Newton’s III law is applicable

  • for a body is at rest

  • for a body in motion

  • both a & b

  • only for bodies with equal masses

Evaluation | Q I. 4) | Page 13

Plotting a graph for momentum on the Y-axis and time on X-axis. the slope of the momentum-time graph gives

  • Impulsive force

  • Acceleration

  • Force

  • Rate of force

Evaluation | Q I. 5) | Page 13

In which of the following sport the turning of the effect of force used

  • swimming

  • tennis

  • cycling

  • hockey

Evaluation | Q I. 6) | Page 13

The unit of ‘g’ is m s-2. It can be also expressed as

  • cms-1

  • Nkg-1

  • Nm2 kg-1

  • cm2 s-2

Evaluation | Q I. 7) | Page 13

One kilogram-force equals to

  • 9.8 dyne

  • 9.8 × 104 N

  • 98 x 10dyne

  • 980 dyne

Evaluation | Q I. 8) | Page 13

The mass of a body is measured on planet Earth as M kg. When it is taken to a planet of radius half that of the Earth then its value will be ______ kg.

  • 4 M

  • 2M

  • M/4

  • M

Evaluation | Q I. 9) | Page 13

If the Earth shrinks to 50% of its real radius its mass remaining the same, the weight of a body on the Earth will ______.

  • decrease by 50%

  • increase by 50%

  • decrease by 25%

  • increase by 300%

Evaluation | Q I. 10) | Page 13

To project the rockets which of the following principle(s) is /(are) required?

  • Newton’s third law of motion

  • Newton’s law of gravitation

  • law of conservation of linear momentum

  • both a and c

Fill in the blanks

Evaluation | Q II. 1. | Page 13

To produce a displacement ______ is required.

Evaluation | Q II. 2. | Page 13

Passengers lean forward when a sudden brake is applied in a moving vehicle. This can be explained by ________.

Evaluation | Q II. 3. | Page 13

By convention, the clockwise moments are taken as ______ and the anticlockwise moments are taken as_______.

Evaluation | Q II. 4. | Page 13

______ is used to change the speed of the car.

Evaluation | Q II. 5. | Page 13

A man of mass 100 kg has a weight of ______ at the surface of the Earth.

State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the statement if it is false

Evaluation | Q III. 1. | Page 13

The linear momentum of a system of particles is always conserved.

  • True

  • False

Evaluation | Q III. 2. | Page 13

Apparent weight of a person is always equal to his actual weight

  • True

  • False

Evaluation | Q III. 3. | Page 13

Weight of a body is greater at the equator and less at the polar region.

  • True

  • False

Evaluation | Q III. 4. | Page 13

Turning a nut with a spanner having a short handle is so easy than one with a long handle.

  • True

  • False

Evaluation | Q III. 5. | Page 13

There is no gravity in the orbiting space station around the Earth. So the astronauts feel weightlessness.

  • True

  • False

Evaluation | Q IV. | Page 14

Match the following

Column I Column II
Newton’s I law propulsion of a rocket
Newton’s II law Stable equilibrium of a body
Newton’s III law Law of force
Law of conservation of linear momentum Flying nature of bird

Mark the correct choice as

Evaluation | Q V. 1. | Page 14

Assertion & Reasoning

  1. Assertion: The sum of the clockwise moments is equal to the sum of the anticlockwise moments.
  2. Reason: The principle of conservation of momentum is valid if the external force on the system is zero.
  • If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both the assertion and the reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

  • Assertion is true, but the reason is false.

  • Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Evaluation | Q V. 2. | Page 14

Assertion & Reasoning

  1. Assertion: The value of ‘g’ decreases as height and depth increase from the surface of the Earth.
  2. Reason: ‘g’ depends on the mass of the object and the Earth.
  • If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both the assertion and the reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

  • Assertion is true, but the reason is false.

  • Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Answer briefly

Evaluation | Q VI. 1. | Page 14

Define inertia. Give its classification.

Evaluation | Q VI. 2. | Page 14

Classify the types of force based on their application.

Evaluation | Q VI. 3. | Page 14

If a 5 N and a 15 N forces are acting opposite to one another. Find the resultant force and the direction of action of the resultant force.

Evaluation | Q VI. 4. | Page 14

Differentiate mass and weight.

Evaluation | Q VI. 5. | Page 14

Define the moment of a couple.

Evaluation | Q VI. 6. | Page 14

State the principle of moments.

Evaluation | Q VI. 7. | Page 14

State Newton’s second law.

Evaluation | Q VI. 8. | Page 14

Why a spanner with a long handle is preferred to tighten screws in heavy vehicles?

Evaluation | Q VI. 9. | Page 14

While catching a cricket ball the fielder lowers his hands backwards. Why?

Evaluation | Q VI. 10. | Page 14

How does an astronaut float in a space shuttle?

Solve the given problems

Evaluation | Q VII. 1. | Page 14

Two bodies have a mass ratio of 3:4 The force applied on the bigger mass produces an acceleration of 12 ms-2. What could be the acceleration of the other body, if the same force acts on it.

Evaluation | Q VII. 2. | Page 14

A ball of mass 1 kg moving with a speed of 10 ms-1 rebounds after a perfect elastic collision with the floor. Calculate the change in linear momentum of the ball.

Evaluation | Q VII. 3. | Page 14

A mechanic unscrew a nut by applying a force of 140 N with a spanner of length 40 cm. What should be the length of the spanner if a force of 40 N is applied to unscrew the same nut?

Evaluation | Q VII. 4. | Page 14

The ratio of masses of two planets is 2:3 and the ratio of their radii is 4:7 Find the ratio of their accelerations due to gravity.

Answer in detail

Evaluation | Q VIII. 1. | Page 14

What are the types of inertia? Give an example for each type.

Evaluation | Q VIII. 2. | Page 14

State Newton’s laws of motion?

Evaluation | Q VIII. 3. | Page 14

Deduce the equation of a force using Newton’s second law of motion.

Evaluation | Q VIII. 4. | Page 14

State and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum.

Evaluation | Q VIII. 5. | Page 14

Describe rocket propulsion.

Evaluation | Q VIII. 6. | Page 14

State the universal law of gravitation and derive its mathematical expression.

Evaluation | Q VIII. 7. | Page 14

Give the applications of universal law gravitation.

HOT Questions

Evaluation | Q IX. 1. | Page 15

Two blocks of masses 8 kg and 2 kg respectively lie on a smooth horizontal surface in contact with one other. They are pushed by a horizontally applied force of 15 N. Calculate the force exerted on the 2 kg mass.

Evaluation | Q IX. 2. | Page 15

A heavy truck and bike are moving with the same kinetic energy. If the mass of the truck is four times that of the bike, then calculate the ratio of their momenta. (Ratio of momenta = 2:1)

Evaluation | Q IX. 3. | Page 15

“Wearing helmet and fastening the seat belt is highly recommended for safe journey” Justify your answer using Newton’s laws of motion.

Solutions for 1: Laws of Motion

Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board chapter 1 - Laws of Motion - Shaalaa.com

Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board chapter 1 - Laws of Motion

Shaalaa.com has the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Mathematics Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Mathematics Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education 1 (Laws of Motion) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.

Further, we at Shaalaa.com provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Samacheer Kalvi textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.

Concepts covered in Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board chapter 1 Laws of Motion are Motion and Rest, Rocket Propulsion, Translational and Rotational Motions, Force, Inertia and Mass, Types of Inertia, Linear Momentum, Newton's First Law of Motion, Moment (Turning Effect) of a Force Or Torque, Moment of Force Or Torque, Principle of Moments, Newton's Second Law of Motion, Impulse, Newton's Third Law of Motion, Conservation of Linear Momentum and Its Principle, Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation, Acceleration Due to Gravity (Earth’s Gravitational Acceleration), Apparent Weight, Concept of Mass and Weight, Couple.

Using Samacheer Kalvi Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board solutions Laws of Motion exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Samacheer Kalvi Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Science [English] Class 10 SSLC TN Board students prefer Samacheer Kalvi Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.

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