
Define the term polarization of a dielectric and write the expression for a linear isotropic dielectric in terms of electric field. - Physics



Define the term polarization of a dielectric and write the expression for a linear isotropic dielectric in  terms of electric field.

Short Note

Solution 1

Net dipole moment per unit volume induced in dielectric is called polarization. It is represented by P.
P = χe
P = Polarisation
 χe → Electrical succeptibility 
E = External electric field.


Solution 2

Dipole moment per unit volume of a polarized dielectric is known as the polarization of a dielectric. It is denoted by the letter P for the linear isotropic dielectric. 

The polarisation of a linear isotropic dielectric,`"P" = "x"epsilon_@"E"` 
Where E is the net electric field from the effects of both free and bound charges.

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2018-2019 (March) 55/3/3

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