
Explain how and why will the rate of reaction for a given reaction be affected when a catalyst is added. - Chemistry



Explain how and why will the rate of reaction for a given reaction be affected when a catalyst is added.

Short Note


The rate of reaction will increase. The catalyst decreases the activation energy of the reaction therefore the reaction becomes faster.

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2022-2023 (March) Sample

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For a reaction
\[\ce{2H2O2->[I^-][Alkaline medium]2H2O + O2}\]

The Proposed mechanism is given below: 
(1) H2O2+I- → H2O+IO-(slow)
(2) H2O2+IO-→H2O+I-+O2(fast)

(i) Write the rate law for the reaction.
(ii) Write the overall order of a reaction.
(iii) Out of steps(1) and (2), which one is the rate-determining step? 

Which of the following statements regarding catalyst is FALSE?

____________ is used as a catalyst for the following reaction:

\[\ce{CO + \underset{\text{(Steam)}}{H2O} ⇌ CO2 + H2}\]

In the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's process, Al2O3 does not act as a catalyst but increases the activity of the catalyst. The role of Al2O3 can be best described as ____________.

Which of the following is a character of catalyst?

For a certain reaction large fraction of molecules has energy more than the threshold energy, yet the rate of reaction is very slow. Why?

Match the items of Column I and Column II.

  Column I Column II
(i) Mathematical expression for rate of reaction (a) rate constant
(ii) Rate of reaction for zero order reaction is equal to (b) rate law
(iii) Units of rate constant for zero order reaction is same as that of (c) order of slowest step
(iv) Order of a complex reaction is determined by (d) rate of a reaction

Describe how does the enthalpy of reaction remain unchanged when a catalyst is used in the reaction.

For the reaction 3A `rightarrow` 2B, rate of reaction `+ (d[B])/(dt)` is equal to ______.

For the reaction \[\ce{3A -> 2B}\], rate of reaction `-("d"["A"])/"dt"` is equal to ______.



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