
Find the value of: x3 – 3x2 + 19x – 20, if x = 1 – 4i - Mathematics and Statistics



Find the value of: x3 – 3x2 + 19x – 20, if x = 1 – 4i



x = 1 – 4i

∴ x – 1 = – 4i

∴ (x – 1)2 = 16i2

∴ x2 – 2x + 1 = – 16      ...[∵ i2 = – 1]

∴ x2 – 2x + 17 = 0        ...(i)

                       x – 1
`x^2 – 2x + 17")"overline(x^3 - 3x^2 + 19x - 20)"`
                        x3 – 2x2 + 17x
                        –      +       –              
                              –  x2 + 2x  – 20
                              –  x2 + 2x – 17x
                              –      +       –         
                                               –  3

∴ x3 – 3x2 + 19x – 20

= (x2 – 2x + 17) (x – 1) – 3  

= 0(x – 1) – 3                  ...[From (i)]

= 0 – 3

∴ x3 – 3x2 + 19x – 20 = – 3 

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Chapter 3: Complex Numbers - MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISE - 3 [Page 43]


Balbharati Mathematics and Statistics 1 (Commerce) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 3 Complex Numbers
MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISE - 3 | Q 5) iii) | Page 43


Express the following expression in the form of a + ib.

`((3 + sqrt5)(3 - isqrt5))/((sqrt3 + sqrt2i)-(sqrt3 - isqrt2))`

Reduce `(1/(1-4i) - 2/(1+i))((3-4i)/(5+i))` to the standard form.

If α and β are different complex numbers with |β| = 1, then find `|(beta - alpha)/(1-baralphabeta)|`

Simplify : `("i"^592 + "i"^590 + "i"^588 + "i"^586 + "i"^584)/("i"^582 + "i"^580 + "i"^578 + "i"^576 + "i"^574)`

Evaluate : `("i"^37 + 1/"i"^67)`

If a = `(-1 + sqrt(3)"i")/2`, b = `(-1 - sqrt(3)"i")/2` then show that a2 = b and b2 = a

Answer the following:

Simplify the following and express in the form a + ib:

`5/2"i"(-4 - 3"i")`

Answer the following:

Solve the following equation for x, y ∈ R:

(4 − 5i)x + (2 + 3i)y = 10 − 7i

Answer the following:

Show that z = `((-1 + sqrt(-3))/2)^3` is a rational number

The value of (2 + i)3 × (2 – i)3 is ______.

State true or false for the following:

The points representing the complex number z for which |z + 1| < |z − 1| lies in the interior of a circle.

State true or false for the following:

If n is a positive integer, then the value of in + (i)n+1 + (i)n+2 + (i)n+3 is 0.

What is the reciprocal of `3 + sqrt(7)i`.

The equation |z + 1 – i| = |z – 1 + i| represents a ______.

The real value of α for which the expression `(1 - i sin alpha)/(1 + 2i sin alpha)` is purely real is ______.

Simplify the following and express in the form a+ib.

`(3i^5 + 2i^7 + i^9)/(i^6 + 2i^8 + 3i^18)`

Simplify the following and express in the form a+ib:

`(3i^5 + 2i^7 + i^9)/(i^6 + 2i^8 + 3i^18)`

Evaluate the following:




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