
Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points: About the poem/poet/title. Theme Poetic devices, language, style Special features/ novelties/focusing elements Values, message - English



Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points:

  • About the poem/poet/title.
  • Theme
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features/ novelties/focusing elements
  • Values, message
  • Your opinion about the poem.
Answer in Brief


Appreciation of the poem 'The Sower'

About the poem/poet/title: 'The Sower' is a poem about the hard work and persistence of a sower, who works tirelessly and relentlessly while the poet observes his actions and terms him as an august personality, who works not for himself, but for others. Originally written by Victor Hugo in French, this poem has been translated to English by the Bengali poet, Torulata Dutt, who was the first Indian poetess to write verses in English and French. The title of the poem represents the central character of the poem, that is, the sower.

Theme: The central idea of the poem revolves around the act of sowing seeds by the sower, while the poet observes him and begins to revere him for his noble actions.

Poetic devices, language, style: The poetic devices used in the poem are Alliteration, Antithesis, Consonance, Hyperbole, Inversion, Personification, Repetition, and Synecdoche. An example of Personification from the poem is 'Twilight hastens on to rule' where 'Twilight' has been given the animate quality of 'hastening (rushing in)'. The language used by the poet is slightly complex because it has been written in a way that it maintains the rhyme scheme of 'abab'. It has a steady rhythm and a consistent metre, meaning that there is consistency in the number of syllables used in a line. The poet follows the narrative style of writing, where he gives a first-person account of observing the sower working hard in the field.

Special features/ novelties/focusing elements: The special features used in the poem are imagery and symbolism. The poem is full of descriptive imagery, as each line either describes the scene or the action of the sower or the poet. The dominance of the silhouette of the sower over the deep furrows is symbolic of the dominance of man over nature. The 'precious grain' is so-called because each grain holds importance for the sower. He shall sow these grains carefully and hope for a good harvest.

The novelties in this poem are the exact translations of lines from French by Toru Dutt. She chose to provide a true account of the observations, as written by Victor Hugo, instead of trying to refine the lines that sound inelegant when translated. Her retention of the optimistic tone of the poem makes the poem refreshing and appealing. The focussing elements in the poem are the dedication and commitment of the sower, his perseverance, and the poet's acknowledgment of the sower's actions as being selfless and noble.

Values, message: The values that one can learn from this poem are determination, perseverance, and selflessness. The message given by the poet, through this poem, is that one should keep working with a positive attitude in life because one shall eventually reap the benefits of one's hard work.

Your opinion about the poem: The sower's commitment towards his work and the poet's admiration of the sower, give the poem a positive and encouraging tone, thus making it a fine read.

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Chapter 2.2: The Sower - Brainstorming [Page 73]


Balbharati English - Yuvakbharati 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 2.2 The Sower
Brainstorming | Q (A5) (i) | Page 73


Fill in the blank with the suitable word. 

He agreed to carry _____________ the manager’s orders. 

Do you agree with the poet that a nation’s growth depends upon the wealth of trees? Why/why not?

Why has the red colour of bangles been compared to the flame of the bride’s marriage fire?

Why were the children confused about their grandfather’s claims about the war?

Dahl is annoyed that people – including children – watch too much television. Do you agree, or disagree? Why, or why not?

What does the word “clipped” mean in this poem?

How has Browning used allusion in the poem? Explain.

What tells you that the patriot was overambitious?

What lesson is learnt from the poem?

Shakespeare's minor characters play an important part in the development of the plot. What purpose do Dogberry, Verges and the Company of the Watch serve in the play Much Ado About Nothing

Study the picture given below. Write a short story, description, or account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture, or you may take suggestions from it; however, your composition must have a clear connection with the picture. 

Fill in the blank with an appropriate word:     

The cyclist rode quickly ______ the path. 

Re-write the following sentence according to the instructions are given. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of the sentence. 

Naresh goes to a school that has over a thousand students.
(Begin: There……….)

Here are the terms of different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of similar terms in your language.

Give reasons for the following.

Howard Carter’s investigation was resented.

Combine the following sets of ideas to show the contrast between them.

(i) The Emperor may rule over the territory he has conquered.

(ii) The artist knows the way within.

Maintain a record of the trees cut down and the parks demolished in your area or any other act that violates the environment. Write to newspapers reporting on any such acts that disturb you.

Now write a paragraph or two about these two stories, comparing them.

The extract deals with the atmosphere of two homes. Collect the words associated with - Home.

Are friends different from neighbors? Are you friends with your neighbors? Give examples and write.

Complete the flow chart showing the events on the day of the assault.

Read the following lines. Imagine it is the beginning of an instance you have experienced. Complete the incident using your imagination. Give it a positive ending.

I had often noticed that in my neighbour’s family, the son was greatly pampered, but the daughter was treated unfairly. I could not bear this. So one day I decided to ............................

Continue the write-up, with your own ideas, in about 12 - 15 lines.

‘Even small things in nature play a big role. So protect nature!’

Frame some slogans based on the above topic.

The poet is prompted to call the sower an ‘august personality’ which means one who has reached the highest position in his workplace.

Explain this using the following point.


Agricultural is the principal occupation in Maharashtra that has many career opportunities.

(a) Agriculture Correspondent
(b) Marketing Communications Manager
(c) Agricultural Policy Analyst
(d) Farm Management
(e) Soil Conservationist
(f) Scientist- Krishi Vigyan Kendra
(g) Machine Design Engineer
(h) Zoologist
(i) Veterinarian
(j) Food Microbiologist
(k) Horticulturist
(l) Agricultural Economics

Write in brief about the various career opportunities given above. You can collect the information from the following universities.

  1. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  2. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Pune.
  3. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola.

Given below are the prerequisites for an interview. Fill up the boxes with suitable actions to be undertaken with reference to the given points.

Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally.

Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

The diagram below encircles the various features that make the script of a skit/ play. List the other words and mention the form of writing of which it is a feature.

Think and write in your own words.

In which season does a greenwood turn to a yellow wood? Which stage in our life can be compared to that season?

Write an informal letter from a teenager to his/her parent, expressing a few thoughts from the poem.

(My dear ______/Dearest ______./Hi! ______ Are you surprised to see this letter? I wanted to talk to you about this, but then I thought I will be able to express myself better in a letter. Love,/Yours lovingly/Yours ______).

Say ‘WHY’?

Men declaring that they are Saints write letters to the writer.

Is the insect described in the poem a real insect? Think about an imaginary creature. Describe it in your own words. You may draw its picture and label it.

Read the following headline and write a news report. Follow the steps as given.

  • Headline: ‘Tiger attacks 8 years old at Rajiv Gandhi National Park.’
  • Date line: ______
  • Leadline: ______
  • Body of the Report (Use only 3rd person pronouns/Passive voice): ______ 

As a local government official working in the flood-affected area you are talking to an old lady who has lost her belongings. Write a dialogue between you and the old woman. Complete the conversation.

You Good morning Madam.
Old lady Good morning.
You I am from the Fire and Rescue department. How can I help you?
Old lady  
Old lady  
Old lady  
Old lady  
Old lady  

You are a volunteer in your locality to serve people who are affected by floods. How will you caution them to move to a safer place taking only their bare necessities? Describe.

What is the name of her diary?

Create a pamphlet for the following:

Make an attractive pamphlet for your school’s Fair organised for raising funds for (any) relief (Specify the date, time, types of stalls, and the reasons for the fair).

______ do you like best in the school – games, art or music?

Now, write a letter to your friend or relative in another city telling him/her about activities/events in your school. Follow the same pattern as the above letter.

Now complete the following suitably.

He was cleaning out his cupboard when _______

Correct the use of the describing word in the following sentence.

 He is cleverer than I am.

Answer the question by looking at the picture.

Example: What is happening in picture 5?

The girl is diving into the water.
What are the girls doing in picture 6?
They are ______

Can you write six things that are made of wood?

Add ‘–er’ or ‘–r’ to the doing words below to make new words.


What would you do in this situation, if you were Jimmy Wells? Substantiate your reason.

Explain the following phrase selected from the story in your own word and work with a partner to make sentence using these phrase:

on approval

Describe the youth’s strange behaviour when he was in the train.

Why did the photographer take a long time to photograph Leacock?

A certain book/chapter has been included in your syllabus. You have heard that a film version is now available. Write a letter to the Manager of a film theatre near your school, requesting that the film be shown. Tell him/her why it will be beneficial to the students.

Why according to Maya Angelou, does the caged bird sing?

The line 'The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway' in Browning's poem 'The Patriot' means ______.

Translate the following sentence into your mother tongue.

The second question to ask is - is it pleasant?

Prepare a speech to deliver in an interschool competition on ‘How to achieve success in life’ with the help of the following web chart.

Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally.

Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Do you like to watch plays?

Miss Meadows’ need for societal acceptance makes her overlook Basil’s insensitivity and shortcomings. Discuss with reference to the short story. The Singing Lesson is about 200-250 words.

How does John Brown convey his firsthand experience of war to his mother and evoke a deep emotional response in the readers? Justify your answer in about 200-250 words with supporting details from the poem, by John Brown.



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