
Basics of Logic Gates



Logic Gates & Associated Terms

A logic gate is an electronic circuit with one or more inputs and a single output, represented in binary code (0 or 1). Logic gates can be built using switches, relays, vacuum tubes, transistors, or diodes.  


Today, they are mainly used as integrated circuits (ICs) to build digital circuits. Before exploring the different types of logic gates, let's review some related terms. 

  1. Logic - It is the statement, which gives condition for high (1) output. Logic may be in terms of High/Low, True/ False, 1/0 etc. 
  2. Truth Table: A table showing all possible input combinations and their corresponding outputs. The number of combinations is given by 2n (n=Number of input line available). 
  3. Boolean equation - It is a mathematical equation representing particular gate for · input and output. 
  4. Symbol - Each gate is represented by a logical symbol, like resistor symbol. 

Types of Gates 

Gates are mainly divided into two parts: (a) Basic Gates (b) Derived Gates 

Basic Gates: (i) OR Gate (ii) AND Gate (iii) NOT Gate/INVERTER 

Derived Gates: (i) NOR Gate (ii) NAND Gate (iii) EX-OR Gate 

Out of these gates, the two gates NOR and NAND are called “universal” gates because it is possible to construct all other logic gates by exclusively using NOR or NAND gates.

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