Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationSSLC (English Medium) Class 6

Heat and Temperature



  • Introduction
  • Experiment


Atoms and Motion,

  • All substances are made of atoms, which are always in motion.
  • The total kinetic energy of atoms in a substance is a measure of its heat energy.
  • The average kinetic energy of the atoms determines the temperature of the substance.

Heat and Temperature Relationship,

  • Temperature: Reflects the average kinetic energy of the atoms.
  • Heat: Depends on the total kinetic energy of all the atoms in the object.
  • Objects with the same temperature may have different amounts of heat energy based on their size or mass.

Velocity of Atoms,

  • In a hot gas (Figure a), the atoms move faster, as shown by longer arrows.
  • In a cooler gas (Figure b), the atoms move slower, as shown by shorter arrows.
  • In solids (Figure c), atoms vibrate about their fixed positions, and the vibration increases with temperature.

Motion of atoms in gas and solid


1. Aim: To demonstrate that the amount of heat required to raise the temperature depends on the quantity (mass) of the substance.

2. Requirements: Two steel vessels (A and B) of the same size, water, spirit lamp, and thermometer

3. Procedure

  • Take two steel vessels, A and B, of the same size.
  • Fill vessel A with a small amount of water and vessel B with double the amount of water.
  • Ensure the water in both vessels is at the same initial temperature.
  • Heat both vessels using a spirit lamp and raise the water temperature in each by 10°C.
  • Observe the time taken to heat the water in both vessels.

4. Observation: Vessel B (with more water) took more time to raise the temperature by 10°C compared to vessel A.

5. Conclusion: For the same increase in temperature, a larger amount of water (greater mass) requires more heat energy. The heat content of an object depends on both its mass and temperature, even if the temperature increase is the same.

Temperature is measured in units of Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), and Kelvin (K). Kelvin is used in scientific experiments, while the other two are used in daily life. The relation between the three units is shown by the following formulas:

`"(F-32)" / "9"` = `"C" / "5"`  ---------(1)
K = C + 273.15  ---------------(2)

Some specific temperatures are given in the three scales in the following table.

Description °F °C K
Boiling point of water 212 100 373.15
Freezing point of water 32 0 273
Room temperature 72 23 296
Boiling point of mercury 674.06 356.7 629.85
Freezing point of mercury -38.8 -39.33 233.82
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