
Answer the following question. Why is prism binoculars preferred over traditional binoculars? Describe its working in brief. - Physics



Answer the following question.

Why is prism binoculars preferred over traditional binoculars? Describe its working in brief.

Answer in Brief


  1. Traditional binoculars use only two cylinders. Distance between the two cylinders can’t be greater than that between the two eyes. This creates a limitation of the field of view.
  2. A prism binocular has two right-angled glass prisms that apply the principle of total internal reflection.
  3. The incident light rays are reflected internally twice giving the viewer a wider field of view. For this reason, prism binoculars are preferred over traditional binoculars.


           Prism binoculars

  1. The prism binoculars consist of 4 isosceles, right-angled prisms of a material having a critical angle less than 45°.
  2. The prism binoculars have a wider input range compared to traditional binoculars.
  3. The light rays incident on the prism binoculars, first get total internally reflected by the isosceles, right-angled prisms 1 and 4.
  4. These reflected rays undergo another total internal reflection by prisms 2 and 3 to form the final image.
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Chapter 9: Optics - Exercises [Page 185]


Balbharati Physics [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 9 Optics
Exercises | Q 2. (xi) | Page 185


The figure shows a ray of light falling normally on the face AB of an equilateral glass prism having refractive index`3/2`, placed in water of refractive index `4/3`.Will this ray suffer total internal reflection on striking the face AC? Justify your answer.

Draw the diagram of a right-angled isosceles prism which is used to make an invented image erect

A light ray does not bend at the boundary in passing from one medium to the other medium if the angle of incident is ______.

Name two factors which affect the critical angle for a given pair of media. State how do the factors affect it.

State two conditions necessary for total internal reflection to occur.

Draw diagram to illustrate the total internal reflection.

Write the necessary conditions for the phenomenon of total internal reflection to

occur ?

 Define critical angle for a given medium. 

Name the phenomenon which enables an empty test tube placed inside water shine like a mirror.

Plot a graph between
 Angle of incidence versus angle of reflection,

State two factors which affect the critical angle for a given pair of media.

(a) A ray of monochromatic light enters glass PQRS as shown in the fig. Complete the path of ray till it emerges from the glass. (Critical angle of glass is 420). 

(b) Draw diagram of a prism periscope.
(c) What are the advantages of total internal reflecting prism over plane mirror?

How does a ray of light bend when it travels from denser to rarer medium.

What is meant by the statement, ‘the critical angle for diamond is 24°’?

What is meant by the term ‘critical angle’?

PQ and PR are two light rays emerging from the object as shown in the figure below:

(i) What is the special name given to the angle of incidence (∠PQN) of ray PQ?
(ii) Copy the ray diagram and complete it to show the position of the image of the object P when seen obliquely from above.
(iii) Name the phenomenon that occurs if the angle of incidence ∠PQN is increased still further.

A ray of light is incident as a normal ray on the surface of separation of two different mediums. What is the value of the angle of incidence in this case?

A spherical marble, of refractive index 1.5 and curvature 1.5 cm, contains a tiny air bubble at its centre. Where will it appear when seen from outside?

Answer the following question.

Explain ‘mirage’ as an illustration of refraction.

A green light is incident from the water to the air-water interface at the critical angle `(theta)`. Select the correct statement

The angle of minimum deviation produced by a thin glass prism in air is 'δ'. If that prism is immersed in water, the angle of minimum deviation will be ______.

( aμg = refractive index of glass w.r.t, air aμw = refractive index of water w.r.t. air)

Define the critical angle.

A green light is incident from the water to the air-water interface at the critical angle (θ). Select the correct statement. 

State the condition under which total internal reflection occurs. Give the mathematical expression for total internal reflection.

A Rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon formed because of the following:

A light is entering from one medium refractive index `("RI" =5/3)` to another medium at an angle 30°. The angle of refraction for other medium is sin-1 `(5/6)`. then the increase in angle of incidence is ______ such that the ray of light reflected back into the same medium.

Find the value of θ in the given figure.



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