
What is the Action of Bromine in Alkaline Medium on - Chemistry



What is the action of bromine in alkaline medium on

i. CH3CH2NO2





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2012-2013 (March)



The preparation of alkyl fluoride from alkyl chloride, in presence of metallic fluorides is known as ______________.

Write the structure of the major product in each of the following reaction :

\[\ce{CH3 = CH2CH3 + H - I -> CH3CH2CH2I + CH3CHICH3}\] (major). This reaction is:

In the following reaction, the compound used in the reaction for synthesizing ethyl fluoride is:

______ \[\ce{+ AgF -> H3C - F + AgBr}\]

\[\ce{X ->[AgNO3][HNO3] Yellow or While ppt}\]

Which of the following cannot be X?

What is ‘A’ in the following reaction?

The order of reactivity of alcohols with halogen acids is ______.

(A) \[\ce{CH3CH2 - CH2 - OH}\]

(B) \[\begin{array}{cc}
\phantom{}\ce{CH3CH2 - CH - OH}\\

(C)  \[\begin{array}{cc}
\phantom{}\ce{CH3CH2 - C - OH}\\

Which of the following alcohols will yield the corresponding alkyl chloride on reaction with concentrated HCl at room temperature?

Which of the following is halogen exchange reaction?

Chlorobenzene is formed by reaction of chlorine with benzene in the presence of \[\ce{AlCl3}\]. Which of the following species attacks the benzene ring in this reaction?

Alkyl halides are prepared from alcohol by treating with ______.

(i) HCl + ZnCl2

(ii) Red P + Br

(iii) H2SO4 + KI

(iv) All the above

Which of the following compounds (a) and (b) will not react with a mixture of \[\ce{NaBr}\] and \[\ce{H2SO4}\]. Explain why?

(a) \[\ce{CH3CH2CH2OH}\]


Which of the following haloalkanes reacts with aqueous \[\ce{KOH}\] most easily? Explain giving reason.

Which of the following compounds would undergo SN1 reaction faster and why?

(A) (B)

Some alkylhalides undergo substitution whereas some undergo elimination reaction on treatment with bases. Discuss the structural features of alkyl halides with the help of examples which are responsible for this difference.

The most stable free radical among the following is

The alkyl halide which does not give white precipitate with alcoholic AgNO3 solution is :-

The product of reaction of alcoholic silver nitrite with ethyl bromide are:

SN1 and SN2 product are same with

PClS react with propanone, to give:

Steps I and II are ______.

In Finkelstein Reaction, which reactants are used?

The decreasing order of reactivity of the following organic molecules towards AgNO3 solution is ______.

  1. \[\begin{array}{cc}\ce{CH3CHCH3}\\
  2. \[\begin{array}{cc}\ce{CH3CHCH2NO2}\\

The number of stereoisomers are possible for a compound of the molecular formula \[\ce{CH3 - CH = CH - CH(OH) - Me}\] is ______.

Arrange the following in increasing order of reactivity towards nitration

  1. p-xylene
  2. bromobenzene
  3. mesitylene
  4. nitrobenzene
  5. benzene

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Write the structure of the following organic halogen compound.




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