
Goyal Brothers Prakashan solutions for Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 2 - Marketing and Sales [Latest edition]



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Solutions for Chapter 2: Marketing and Sales

Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 2 of CISCE Goyal Brothers Prakashan for Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE.

EXERCISES [Pages 22 - 25]

Goyal Brothers Prakashan solutions for Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE 2 Marketing and Sales EXERCISES [Pages 22 - 25]


EXERCISES | Q 1. | Page 22

Which of the following statements is the most correct statement?

  • The delivery of goods and services from producers to their ultimate consumers or users includes many different activities. These different activities are known as marketing.

  • Marketing is to ensure that the product is easily and effectively moved from the point of production to the target market and ensures that the product can be easily accessed by customers.

  • Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society.

  • Marketing is the last step in the chain of commerce where a buyer exchanges cash for a seller's good or service, or the activity of trying to bring this about.

EXERCISES | Q 2. | Page 22

Which of the following is the feature of the marketing?

  • Needs and wants

  • Creating a market offering

  • Customer value

  • All of these

EXERCISES | Q 3. | Page 22

The term 'marketing' refers to ______.

  • Advertising, sales promotion, publicity and public relational activities

  • A new product needs ideas, developments, concepts and improvements

  • Sales planning, strategy and implementation

  • A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction

EXERCISES | Q 4. | Page 23

The ultimate aim of the marketing is to provide ______.

  • More business to the company

  • More profit

  • More staff

  • More production

EXERCISES | Q 5. | Page 23

In case of a standardised product, each unit of product is a perfect substitute for others it is impossible to differentiate one unit from other unit. Which types of products is this?

  • Homogeneous

  • Heterogeneous

  • Perishable

  • Tangible

EXERCISES | Q 6. | Page 23

Price is an important element in the ______ of a firm and affects other components of it.

  • Place

  • Product

  • Promotion

  • Marketing

EXERCISES | Q 7. | Page 23

Which of the following is not an element of marketing?

  • Pricing

  • Distribution

  • Product

  • Potential customer

EXERCISES | Q 8. | Page 23

Choose the correct statement.

  • Marketing is the process of transferring the ownership from producer to buyer.

  • Selling is a wider term then marketing.

  • Marketing seeks to create demand, to satisfy the customers, to increase markets shares etc.

  • None of the above

EXERCISES | Q 9. | Page 23

Selling pre-supposes the existence of demand for the firm's product; on the other hand, marketing involves creation and maintenance of ______ demand.

  • Consumer

  • Social

  • Foreign

  • None of these

EXERCISES | Q 10. | Page 23

Selling involves ______ of goods and services.

  • Distribution

  • Exchange

  • Advertisement

  • None of these

EXERCISES | Q 11. | Page 23

Services are ______.

  • Intangible

  • Tangible

  • Visible

  • None of these

EXERCISES | Q 12. | Page 23

Which of the following is most suited meaning of "delight the customer"?

  • Offering to customer more than what they expect

  • Offering to customers less than they expect

  • Offering to customers what they don't expect

  • None of these

EXERCISES | Q 13. | Page 23

"It is a set-off tangible and physical attributes such as material colour, design, size, weight, etc., assembled in an identifiable form better seller offers to customers for sale." What is it?

  • Service

  • Price

  • Product

  • Place

EXERCISES | Q 14. | Page 23

"Market is the set of all actual and ______ buyers of a product".

  • Original

  • Potential

  • Regular

  • Competitor

EXERCISES | Q 15. | Page 23

Marketing is a total system of interacting business activities design to plan, price, promote and distribute want satisfying goods and services to the benefit of potential ______.

  • Customers

  • Producers

  • Sellers

  • Investors

EXERCISES | Q 16. | Page 23

When customer expectations regarding product quality, service quality, and value-based price are met or exceeded, ______ is created.

  • Customer satisfaction

  • Planning excellence

  • A quality rift

  • A value line

EXERCISES | Q 17. | Page 23

Selling is internally oriented because it seeks to ______ profits through increased volume of sale.

  • Minimum

  • Normal

  • Maximum

  • Supernormal

EXERCISES | Q 18. | Page 23

With which element, exchange mechanism is related?

  • Publicity

  • Marketing

  • Advertising

  • Branding

EXERCISES | Q 19. | Page 24

"Marketing aims at building the reputation of the enterprise over a time" it is called ______.

  • Sale

  • Profit

  • Goodwill

  • Motive

EXERCISES | Q 20. | Page 24

Which of the following is the most correct statement?

  • Marketing is the human activity directed at satisfying human needs and wants through an exchange process.

  • Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they want and need through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others.

  • The right product, in the right place, at the right time, and at the right price.

  • All of the above

EXERCISES | Q 21. | Page 24

Which of the following has these three features: tanigble, durable and transferable?

  • Trade

  • Service

  • Selling

  • Product

EXERCISES | Q 22. | Page 24

______ means exchanging goods for money and is production oriented.

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Pricing

  • Advertising

EXERCISES | Q 23. | Page 24

Which of the following is a technique used for Sales Promotion?

  • Marketing

  • Publicity

  • Exchange Offers

  • Personal Selling

EXERCISES | Q 24. | Page 24

______ is a meaningful mark for measuring market success or position of the firm in relation to those of the competitors.

  • Target Rate of Return

  • Profit Maximisation

  • Market Share

  • Price Stability

EXERCISES | Q 25. | Page 24

______ begins before production and continues even after sale.

  • Marketing

  • Selling

  • Consumption

  • Distribution

EXERCISES | Q 26. | Page 24

Insurance, banking, beauty parlour etc. are examples of ______.

  • Services

  • Products

  • Pricing

  • Technology

EXERCISES | Q 27. | Page 24

Creation of demand, improving the standard of living, customer satisfaction are objectives of ______.

  • Selling

  • Pricing

  • Marketing

  • Publicity

EXERCISES | Q 28. | Page 24

Marketing is ______.

  • Production oriented

  • Distribution oriented

  • Customer oriented

  • Demand oriented

EXERCISES | Q 29. | Page 24

______ are intangible benefits, utilities and satisfactions which are offered for sale.

  • Product

  • Market

  • Price

  • Services

EXERCISES | Q 30. | Page 24

The value of the product or service expressed in terms of money is ______.

  • Tax

  • Rent

  • Income

  • Price

EXERCISES | Q 31. | Page 24

Insurance and banking are examples of ______.

  • Services

  • Products

  • Warehouses

  • Distribution channels

EXERCISES | Q 32. | Page 24

Selling is ______ and ______.

  • Different from marketing

  • A sub-function from marketing

  • Same as marketing

  • More than marketing

EXERCISES | Q 33. | Page 24

Which of the statements are not true for selling?

  • Does not focus on the need of seller

  • Aims at maximising sales

  • Involves fragmented approach to sell

  • Selling is limited to exchange of goods and services

EXERCISES | Q 34. | Page 24

Name the two features of the marketing from the following.

  • Profit earning

  • Customer value

  • Creating a market offering

  • Social welfare

EXERCISES | Q 35. | Page 24

The two major points of distinction between a product and service are ______.

  • Tangibility

  • Perishability

  • Market share

  • Profit Maximisation

EXERCISES | Q 36. | Page 25

Two features of products are ______.

  • Tangible

  • Transferable

  • Perishable

  • Cannot be stored


EXERCISES | Q 1. | Page 25

What is marketing?

EXERCISES | Q 2. | Page 25

Give two objectives of marketing.

EXERCISES | Q 3. | Page 25

Distinguish between Marketing and Selling.

EXERCISES | Q 4. | Page 25

Distinguish between a product and a service.

EXERCISES | Q 5. | Page 25

Why is pricing, a marketing activity, considered a difficult task?

EXERCISES | Q 6. | Page 25

Give two objectives of marketing.

EXERCISES | Q 7. | Page 25

State any two characteristics of a service.

EXERCISES | Q 8. | Page 25

Discuss the five objectives of Pricing in detail.


EXERCISES | Q 1. | Page 25

Explain in brief any five objectives of Marketing.

EXERCISES | Q 2. | Page 25

Distinguish between Marketing and Selling.

EXERCISES | Q 3. (i) | Page 25

What is a product?

EXERCISES | Q 3. (ii) | Page 25

Distinguish between a product and a service.

EXERCISES | Q 4. | Page 25

Discuss the five objectives of Pricing in detail.

EXERCISES | Q 5. | Page 25

"Marketing is customer-oriented whereas selling is producer oriented." Explain.

EXERCISES | Q 6. | Page 25

Marketing is essential for the success of a business organisation. Give five reasons to support your answer.

EXERCISES | Q 7. | Page 25

Briefly explain the importance of marketing.

QUESTION BANK [Pages 25 - 26]

Goyal Brothers Prakashan solutions for Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE 2 Marketing and Sales QUESTION BANK [Pages 25 - 26]

QUESTION BANK | Q 1. | Page 25

Why marketing is called a system?

QUESTION BANK | Q 2. | Page 25

Give two objectives of marketing.

QUESTION BANK | Q 3. | Page 25

"Marketing is consumer oriented whereas selling is seller oriented." Explain.

QUESTION BANK | Q 4. | Page 26

The first purpose of marketing is to create demand for goods and services. Why?

QUESTION BANK | Q 5. | Page 26

How marketing helps in improvement of standard of living of people?

QUESTION BANK | Q 6. | Page 26

Explain the features of a product.

QUESTION BANK | Q 7. | Page 26

Pricing is not an end in itself but a means to achieve marketing objectives of the firm. How does pricing aid in meeting or prevent competition?

Solutions for 2: Marketing and Sales

Goyal Brothers Prakashan solutions for Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 2 - Marketing and Sales - Shaalaa.com

Goyal Brothers Prakashan solutions for Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 2 - Marketing and Sales

Shaalaa.com has the CISCE Mathematics Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE CISCE solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Goyal Brothers Prakashan solutions for Mathematics Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE CISCE 2 (Marketing and Sales) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.

Further, we at Shaalaa.com provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Goyal Brothers Prakashan textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.

Concepts covered in Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE chapter 2 Marketing and Sales are Marketing, Product and Service, Pricing, Objectives of Marketing, Importance of Marketing, Difference Between Marketing and Sales, Differences Between Products and Services, Objectives of Pricing.

Using Goyal Brothers Prakashan Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE solutions Marketing and Sales exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum CISCE Commercial Studies [English] Class 10 ICSE students prefer Goyal Brothers Prakashan Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.

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