
Types of Foreign Trade




Types of foreign trade : 
 Foreign trade is divided into the following three types.
1) Import Trade,
2) Export Trade
3) Entrepot Trade
1) Import Trade :
Import trade refers to purchase of goods and services by one country from another country or inflow of goods and services from foreign country to home country. For example, India imports petroleum from Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc.
2) Export Trade :
Export trade refers to the sale of goods by one country to another country or outflow of goods from one country to foreign country. For example, India exports tea, rice, jute to China, Hong 
Kong, Singapore etc.
3) Entrepot Trade :
Entrepot trade refers to purchase of goods and services from one country and then selling them to another country after some processing operations. For example, Japan imports raw material required to make electronic goods like, radio, washing machine, television etc. from England, Germany, France etc. and sells them to various countries in the world after processing them.

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