
Variations in Supply




Variations in Supply :

When quantity supplied of a commodity varies due to change in its price, other factors remaining constant, it is known as variations in supply. There are two types of variations in supply :
1) Expansion of supply :

Expansion of supply refers to a rise in the quantity supplied due to a rise in the price of a commodity, other factors remaining constant. Expansion in supply leads to an upward movement on the same supply curve due to a rise in price. It is shown in the figure below:

In the figure above , quantity supplied is shown on the X-axis and price on the Y-axis. Quantity supplied rises from OQ to OQ1, with a rise in price from OP to OP1, resulting in an upward movement from M to N along the same supply curve SS. It is known as Expansion of supply.

2) Contraction of supply :
Contraction of supply refers to a fall in the quantity supplied,due to fall in the price of a commodity, other factors remaining constant. In case of contraction of supply, there is a downward movement on the same supply curve. It is shown in the figure below.

Quantity supplied is shown on the X axis and price on the Y axis. Quantity supplied falls from OQ to OQ2 with a fall in price from OP to OP2, resulting in a downward movement from N to M on the same supply curve SS. It is known as Contraction of supply.

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