Online Mock Tests
2: Fundamentals of Genetics
3: Absorption by Roots
4: Transpiration
5: Photosynthesis
6: The Circulatory System
7: The Excretory System
▶ 8: The Nervous System and Sense Organs
9: The Endocrine System
10: The Reproductive System
11: Human Population
12: Physical Health and Hygiene
13: Pollution
![ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 chapter 8 - The Nervous System and Sense Organs ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 chapter 8 - The Nervous System and Sense Organs -](/images/biology-english-class-10_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 8: The Nervous System and Sense Organs
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 8 of CISCE ICSE for Biology [English] Class 10.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Short Questions
What are the functions of the nervous system?
Explain the divisions of the nervous system.
Name three involuntary actions controlled by medulla in the hindbrain.
Explain the term: sensory nerve.
Explain the term: Motor nerve
Explain the term: Mixed nerve
What are the functions of tears?
Give the functions of the spinal cord?
How does the arrangement of nerve cells in the spinal cord differ from that in the brain?
How does an impulse travel across a synapse?
Name the part of the human brain which is concerned with the following :
(1) Seat of memory
(2) Coordinates muscular activity.
What is a reflex action?
State whether the following is
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is simple reflex, conditioned reflex or neither of the two.
Simple reflex
Conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is
Constriction of pupil
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is simple reflex, conditioned reflex or neither of the two.
Lifting up a book
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is simple reflex, conditioned reflex or neither of the two.
Knitting without looking
Simple reflex
Conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is
The sudden application of brakes without thinking
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is
Playing on the Keyboard
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
State whether the following is
Salivation when food is put in the mouth.
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
What type of reflex is the following?
Sweating in summer
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
What type of reflex is the following?
Knitting and swimming
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
What type of reflex is the following?
Solving mathematical sums
simple reflex
conditioned reflex
None of the above
What type of reflex is the following?
Formation of goose-pimples in cold weather.
Simple reflex
Conditioned reflex
None of the above
What type of reflex is the following?
Blinking of the eye
Simple reflex
Conditioned reflex
None of the above
In what two whys is a yellow spot different from the blind spot?
What is a Lachrymal gland?
Name the common defects of the eye.
Mention the characteristics of the image that falls on the retina of the eye.
What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?
Name the muscles of the eye responsible for the power of accommodation.
Name an old age eye defect. Why is it caused?
What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?
With reference to the functioning of the eye, answer the question that follow:
What is the shape of the lens during near vision?
With reference to the functioning of the eye, answer the question that follow:
What is the shape of the lens during distant vision?
With reference to the functioning of the eye, answer the question that follow:
Name the two structure in the eye responsible for bringing about the change in the shape of the lens.
With reference to the functioning of the eye, answer the question that follow:
Name the cells of the retina and its respective pigments which get activated in the dark.
With reference to the functioning of the eye, answer the question that follow:
Name the cells of the retina and its respective pigments which get activated in the light.
What are thermoreceptors?
What is a stereoscopic vision?
What are the functions of proprioceptors?
Describe the structure and location of various taste buds.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Give Reasons
Give Reason:
The spinal cord and brain are called the central nervous system.
Give Reason:
Why injury to medulla oblongata results in death?
Give Reason:
Why do we see clearly in the central region of the retina?
Give Reason:
Older people require glasses to read and write.
Give Reason:
Deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness.
Give Reason:
When you enter into a dark room from bright because of sunlight, you can not see things for a few seconds.
Give Reason:
The hand automatically shows the direction to turn a cycle without thinking.
Give Reason:
A person after consuming alcohol walks clumsily.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Differentiate
Differentiate between:
A Sensory neuron and a Motor neuron (function)
Give one point of difference between the following on the basis of what is indicated:
Cerebrum and spinal cord. (Arrangement of neurons)
Differentiate between:
The middle ear and Inner ear.
Differentiate between:
Short-sightedness and Long-sightedness.
Differentiate between:
Vitreous humour and Aqueous humour.
Differentiate between:
Yellow spot and Blind spot.
Differentiate between:
Cochlea and Concha.
Differentiate between:
Rods and Cones.
Differentiate between:
Retina and Choroid.
Differentiate between:
Myopia and Hypermetropia.
Differentiate between:
Cerebrum and Cerebellum.
Differentiate between:
Afferent and Efferent Nerve.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Diagram Based Questions
The following diagram is that of a human brain. Guidelines 1 to 5 indicate different parts of the surface of the brain and these are as follows:
1. The frontal lobe of the cerebrum
2. The temporal lobe of the cerebrum
3. The occipital lobe of the cerebrum
4. Cerebellum
5. Medulla oblongata
Study the diagram and answer the following questions:
(i) What handicaps would result from:
(a) Damage toçart numbered 3.
(b) Damage to part numbered 4.
(ii) Mention one main function of each of the parts numbered 1,2, and 5.
The below diagram represents a longitudinal section of the human brain. Label its parts 1-9 as shown with guidelines.
The below-simplified diagram shows a section through the brain.
(i) Name the parts labeled A, B, and C.
(ii) Give one function of each of the parts A, B, and C.
(iii) What is found in region D?
The below diagram represents the human brain as seen in an external view. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:
(i) Name the parts labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4.
(ii) Mention the difference in the arrangement of the nerve cells in the parts marked ‘1’ and ‘4’.
(iii) What is the main function of the parts marked ‘3’ and ‘4’?
(iv) Name the sheet of nerve fibers that connect the two halves of the part labeled ‘1’.
The diagram given below shows the internal structure of the spinal cord, depicting a simple reflex. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:
(i) Name the parts numbered 1 to 5.
(ii) Using the letters of the alphabet shown in the figure indicate the direction in which an impulse enters and leaves the spinal cord.
(iii) What is the term given to the point of contact between two nerve cells?
(iv) What is meant by ‘simple reflex’ ? Give two examples of simple reflexes and name the stimuli too.
(v) How does the arrangement of nerve cells in the spinal cord differ from that in the brain?
The diagram given below represents the spinal cord of a mammal, seen in a transverse section together with the nerves. Study the diagram and then answer the questions given below:
(i) Label the parts 1—8 indicated by guidelines.
(ii) What do the arrows indicate? What is the pathway indicated termed?
(iii) What type of nerve is shown in the diagram?
The below diagram is the surface of the tongue showing the taste zone.
(i) Label the parts 1-4.
(ii) Where are the receptors for sensations of taste are located?
(iii) Why do people suffering from cold often complain that they cannot taste their food?
The diagram given below represents the cross-section of the human eye:
(i) Name the parts labeled 1—12.
(ii) What is the function of the part marked ‘10’?
(iii) What would happen if part ‘5’ is damaged or cut?
Given below is the diagram of a part of the human ear. Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
![]() |
Give the collective biological term for Malleus, locus and Stapes.
Given below is a diagram of a part of the human ear. Study the same and answer the question that follow:
Name the parts labeled A, B and C in the diagram.
Given below is a diagram of a part of the human ear. Study the same and answer the question that follow:
State the functions of the parts labeled 'A' and 'B'.
Given below is a diagram of a part of the human ear. Study the same and answer the question that follow:
Name the audio receptor region present in the part labeled 'A'.
The following diagram refers to the ear of a mammal.
(i) Label the parts 1 to 10 to which the guidelines point.
(ii) Which structure:
(a) converts sound waves into mechanical vibrations?
(b) Converts vibrations into nerve impulses?
(c) Responds to change in position?
(d) Transmits impulses to the brain?
(e) Equalizes atmospheric pressure and pressure in the ear.
Given below is the diagram of the human ear. Study the same and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Give the biological term for the part labeled ‘A’ and state its function.
(ii) Name the part labeled ‘B’ and state its function.
(iii) Name the part labeled ‘C’ and state its function.
(iv) Give the function of ear wax.
The diagram given below is a representation of a certain phenomenon pertaining to the nervous system. Study the diagram and answer the following questions:
(i) Name the phenomenon which is being depicted.
(ii) Give the technical term for the point of contact between the two nerve cells.
(iii) Name the parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.
(iv) Write the functions of parts 5 and 6
(v) How does the arrangement of neurons in the spinal cord differ from that of the brain?
Study the following diagram carefully and then answer the questions that follow. The diagram is depicting a defect of the human eye :
(i) Identify the defect shown in the diagram.
(ii) Give two possible reasons for the above defect.
Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye. Study the same and answer the question that follow:
Name the defect shown in the diagram.
Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye? Study the same and answer the question that follow:
Give two possible reasons for this defect of the eye in human beings.
Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye? Study the same and answer the question that follow:
Name the parts labeled 1 to 4.
Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye? Study the same and answer the question that follow :
Name the type of lens used to correct this eye defect.
Given below is a diagrammatic representation of a defect of the human eye:
(i) Identify the defect.
(ii) Mention two reasons for the above defect.
(iii) State how the defect can be rectified.
(iv) Name the part of the eye responsible for maintaining the shape of the eyeball.
With respect to human eye explain:
(i) How is the image formed on the retina?
(ii) How is the amount of light entering the eye-controlled?
(iii) What type of lens is used for the correction of ‘Long sight’ defect?
(iv) With the help of a ray, diagram show the defect of the eye and then its correction after the use of a lens.
Given below is the diagram of the human ear. Study the diagram and then answer the questions that follow:
(i) What role does the eardrum play in hearing?
(ii) What common term is given to the parts labeled A, B, and E?
(iii) Would there be any difference if these three parts mentioned in (ii) above were replaced by one by one? Why?
(iv) Give the biological term for the parts labeled C and D.
(v) Name the fluid which fills the parts mentioned in (iv) above.
(vi) State the functions of the ear.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Sketch and Label the Diagram
Draw a neat labeled diagram to show how hypermetropia can be rectified.
Draw well labeled diagram of a ‘Neuron’ and name the following parts:
(1) Node of Ranvier (2) Nissil granules (3) Cyton
Draw a labeled diagram of a myelinated neuron.
Draw a diagram of the human eye as seen in a vertical section and label the parts which suit the following descriptions relating to the:
(i) photosensitive layer of the eye.
(ii) structure which is responsible for holding the eye lens in its position.
(iii) structure which maintains the shape of the eyeball and the area of no vision.
(iv) anterior chamber seen in front of the eye lens.
(v) outermost transparent layer seen in front of the eyeball.
Draw a labeled diagram of the front view of human eye.
Draw a labeled diagram of the inner ear. Name the part of the inner ear that is responsible for static balance in human beings.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Explain the Terms
Explain the Term: Nerve
Explain the term: Mixed nerve
Explain the Term: Cyton
Explain the Term: Ganglion
Explain the Term: Voluntary-action
Explain the Term: Synapse
Explain the Term: Reflex action
Explain the Term: Natural reflex
Explain the Term: Accommodation in the eye
Explain the Term: Hypermetropia
Explain the Term: Presbyopia
Explain the Term: Astigmatism
Explain the Term: Cataract
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Name the Following
Name the following:
Unit of the nervous system is
Name the following:
The dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord contain cell bodies of which type of neurons.
Name the following:
Name the bony box in which the brain is located.
Name the following:
The biological term given to the protective membranes of the brain.
Name the following:
The seat of memory and intelligence in the human brain.
Name the following:
The pigmented circular area seen in the eye.
Name the following:
The most sensitive region of the retina.
Name the following:
The innermost layer of the eye
Name the following:
The focal length of the lens is altered by the contraction of which type of muscles.
Name the following:
The area where the image is formed but not seen by our eye is termed as.
Name the following:
The region in the eye where the rods and cones are located.
Name the following:
Yellow spot and ciliary muscles are found in.
Name the following:
The part of the eye responsible for change in the size of the pupil.
Name the following:
Fluid present in the posterior chamber of the eye.
Name the following:
The defect of the human eye caused due to the uneven surface of the cornea.
Name the following:
The type of lens used for correcting myopia.
Name the following:
The photoreceptors found in the retina of the eye.
Name the following:
The ear ossicle in contact with the oval window of the inner ear.
Name the three ear ossicles.
What is the biological term for the three small bones present in the middle ear collectively?
With reference to the human ear, answer the question that follow:
Name the part of the ear associated with
(1) static balance
(2) hearing
(3) dynamic balance.
With reference to the human ear, answer the question that follow:
Name the nerve, which transmits messages from the ear to the brain.
With reference to the human ear, answer the question that follow:
Give the technical term for the structure found in the inner ear.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Give Technical Terms
Give Technical Term:
The find cytoplasmic processes of the cell body of a neuron.
Give Technical Term:
The neuron which conducts impulse from the central nervous system to the organs.
Give Technical Term:
The brain and spinal cord together constitute the system known as.
Name the following:
The seat of memory and intelligence in the human brain.
Name the following:
The part of the human brain which controls body temperature.
Give Technical Term:
The structure which joins the two cerebral hemispheres in man.
Give Technical Term:
The scientist, who conducted experiment on a dog to show conditioned reflex
Give Technical Term:
Response to a stimulus without the intervention of the will of an animal.
Give Technical Term:
The chemical messenger by which the nerve impulse travels from one neuron to the other.
Give Technical Terms:
The number of cranial and spinal nerves in man.
Give Technical Term:
The fluid that provides protection and nourishment to the cells of the brain.
Give Technical Term:
Nerve that transfers impulses from ear to brain.
Give Technical Term:
The part of the central nervous system in which the gray matter is located on the outer side and the white matter on the inner side.
Name the following:
The junction between two nerve cells.
Give Technical Term:
The fluid which fills the central canal of the spinal cord.
Give Technical Term:
The path which responsible for protecting the eye from sweat.
Give Technical Term:
The type of lens used to correct myopia is
Name the following:
The part of the eye responsible for its shape.
What type of lens is used to correct Astigmatism?
Give Technical Term:
The type of lens used to correct myopia is
What type of lens is used to correct Hypermetropia?
Name the following:
The most sensitive region of the retina.
What is the nature of the image that forms on the retina?
Give Technical Term:
The cells of the retina that are sensitive to colour.
Give Technical Term:
Name the part of the retina on which an object is focused for the clearest vision.
Give Technical Term:
The adjustment of the eye in order to obtain a clear vision of objects at different distances
Give Technical Term:
The receptors which help in the sensation of taste.
Give Technical Term:
The fluid which conveys the vibrations of sound in the cochlea and semicircular canals.
Give Technical Term:
The nutritive layer of the eye which also presents reflection of light.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Fill in the Blanks
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
There are _______ neurons in our body.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
A bundle of axons enclosed in a tubular sheath is called _________.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
_____________ is the largest part of the brain.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
Cerebrum is the site of __________.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
The part of brain where the respiratory centre is located is _______________.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
The medulla oblongata is also known as the_________.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
A nerve chain between a receptor and an effector organ is called _________.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
Optic nerve is a type Sensory nerve, whereas spinal nerves are __________ nerves
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
An inability to focus on nearby objects due to loss of elasticity of the lens with age is called Iris.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
The part of the central nervous system which responds to the reflex action is ________.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
________ is the organ of balance and hearing in the body.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate word :
Tympanic chamber is filled with _________.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs True & False
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
A nerve impulse passes from one neuron to another across a synapse.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Spinal nerves and cranial nerves constitute the central nervous system.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Cranium is & portion of the brain
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Spinal nerves are twelve pair
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
The nerve impulse in the eye develops due to the chemical changes brought about in the sensitive cells (rods and cones) by the light energy of the image.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Reflex action involves brain
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
A reflex action is a spontaneous response to a stimulus.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Reflex action is a unit of nervous action
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Cones are the receptor cells in the retina of the eye sensitive to dim light.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Rods are responsible for vision in the dark
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
The least distance of distinct vision for the human eye is 25 cm
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Hypermetropia is a defect of the eye caused due to the eyeball elongation
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
The part of ear associated with balance is the cochlea.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Cochlea of the ear is concerned with the sense of balance.
Mention, if the following statement is True or False
Deafness is caused due to the rupturing of the pinna.
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs State the Location
The exact location of the Yellow spot
State the Location of:
Corpus callosum
Mention the exact location of the following :
State the exact location of the Organ of Corti
State the Location of:
State the Location of:
State the Location of:
Lacrimal gland
State the Location of:
Made of Ranvier
Where is this located?
Where is this located?
State the Location:
Mention the exact location of the Eustachian tube
State the Location:
Semicircular canals
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs State the Function
State the Function:
State the Function:
State the Function:
State the Function:
State the Function:
State the Function:
Aqueous humour
State the Function:
Choroid coat in the eye
State the Function:
Ear drum
What is the function of ear ossicles?
State the Function:
Myelin sheath
The main function of Cerebrospinal fluid.
State the Function:
Give the main function of the following:
State the functions of the following:
Semi-circular canals
State the Function:
State the main function of the Eustachian tube
State the Function:
Visual purple
State the Function:
State the Function:
Vitreous humour
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Choose the Odd One Out
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Corpus luteum
corpus callosum
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Sodium pump
Polared membrane
Threshold stimulus
Choose the Odd One Out:
Medulla Oblongata
Choose the Odd One Out:
Cilîary part
Iridial part
Choose the Odd One Out:
Night blindness
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Ciliary’s muscle
Gustatory cells
Choose the Odd One Out:
Choose the Odd One Out:
Semicircular canals
Choose the Odd One Out:
Eustachian tube
Basilar membrane
Taste buds
Auditory ossicles
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Multiple Choice Questions
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The function of nervous system is to:
Receive stimuli
Conduction of enzymes
To prepare the body against reactions during emergency
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
A point of contact between two neurons is termed:
Sensory neuron
neuromotor junction
Association neuron.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
Neurilemma is:
The cell membrane around the nerve cell
A layer of fatty substance around the axon.
A layer of specialized neuroglia around the myelin sheath of nerve fibres.
The connective tissue around a nerve tract.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
Cerebellum is the part of the brain which is responsible for:
Interpreting sensations.
Conducting reflexes in the body
Maintaining posture and equilibrium.
Controlling thinking, memory and reasoning.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
If the cerebellum is injured:
Movement’becómes shaky and speech become defective
Movement becomes unbalanced, walk uncontrolled and speech defective
Movement becomes jerky, walk controlled
There is no effect as the actions are under the control of will.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The control of reflex action is through:
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system.
Autonomic nervous system
None of the above.
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The ventral root ganglion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of the:
Motor neuron
Intermediate neuron
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
A reflex arc in man is best described as movement of stimuli from:
Receptor cell, sensory neuron, relaying neuron, effector muscles
Receptor cell, efferent nerve, relaying neuron, muscles of the body
Receptor cell, spinal cord, motor neuron, relaying neuron
Receptor cell, synapse, motor neuron, relaying neuron
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
Which of the following is not a natural reflex action?
Blinking of eyes due to strong light
Salivation at the sight of food
Sneezing when any irritant enters the nose
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The part of the human eye where rod cells and cone cells are located is the:
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The photoreceptor cells of the retina sensitive to colour are:
Organ of corti
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The aperture in the eye through which light enters is the:
Ciliary muscles
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The sequence of ear ossicles of vertebrates starting from the tympanum is:
Incus, Malleus, Stapes
Stapes, Malleus, Incus
Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Stapes, Incus, Malleus
Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
The parts of the human ear concerned with hearing are :
Cochlea, ear ossicles and tympanum
Semicircular canals, utriculus and sacculus
Eustachian tube, tympanum and utriculus
Perilymph, ear ossicles and semicircular canals
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Match the Column
Column ‘II’ is a list of items related to ideas in Column ‘I’. Match the term in Column ‘II’ with the suitable idea given in Column ‘I’.
Column I | Column II | ||
(i) | Auditory canal | (a) | Channels pressure waves of air into the middle ear. |
(ii) | Auditory (Eustachian tube) | (b) | Collects pressure waves of air. |
(iii) | Auditory nerve | (c) | Converts pressure waves of air into vibrations of bone. |
(iv) | Incus | (d) | Dissipates sound waves. |
(v) | Malleus | (e) | Equalizes pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere. |
(vi) | Oval window | (f) | Provide information about the spatial orientation of the head. |
(vii) | Pinna | (g) | Transfers vibrations from a bone to a fluid. |
(viii) | Round window | (h) | Transfers vibrations from a bone to a membrane. |
(ix) | Semi-circular canal | (i) | Transfers vibrations from a bone to a bone. |
(x) | Stapes | (j) | Transfers vibrations from a membrane to a bone. |
(xi) | Tympanic membrane | (k) | Transmits action potential to the auditory cortex. |
Solutions for 8: The Nervous System and Sense Organs
![ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 chapter 8 - The Nervous System and Sense Organs ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 chapter 8 - The Nervous System and Sense Organs -](/images/biology-english-class-10_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
ICSE solutions for Biology [English] Class 10 chapter 8 - The Nervous System and Sense Organs has the CISCE Mathematics Biology [English] Class 10 CISCE solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. ICSE solutions for Mathematics Biology [English] Class 10 CISCE 8 (The Nervous System and Sense Organs) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. ICSE textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Biology [English] Class 10 chapter 8 The Nervous System and Sense Organs are Major Division of the Nervous System, Neuron (Or Nerve Cell) and Its Types, Human Nervous System, Nerve Fibres, The Spinal Cord, Reflex and Reflex Action, Transmission of Nerve Impulse, Synapse - Properties of nerve fibres, The Human Brain - Forebrain, Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), Types of Reflexes, Nervous Pathways in Reflexes, Reflex Arc, Complex Reflex Action, Sense Organ, The Eyes, Human Eye, Working of the Human Eye, Eye Defect and Its Correction: Myopia Or Near-sightedness, Eye Defect and its Correction: Hypermetropia or Far-sightedness, Eye Defect and Its Correction: Presbyopia, Eye Defect and Its Correction: Astigmatism, Some Common Defects of the Eye, Stereoscopic (Binocular) Vision, Functions of the Ear, Human Ear, Sense Organ, The Eyes, Human Eye, Working of the Human Eye, Eye Defect and Its Correction: Myopia Or Near-sightedness, Eye Defect and its Correction: Hypermetropia or Far-sightedness, Eye Defect and Its Correction: Presbyopia, Eye Defect and Its Correction: Astigmatism, Some Common Defects of the Eye, Stereoscopic (Binocular) Vision, Functions of the Ear, Human Ear.
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