
Chemistry 2015-2016 HSC Science (General) 12th Standard Board Exam Question Paper Solution

Marks: 70 Maharashtra State Board
HSC Science (General)
HSC Science (Electronics)
HSC Science (Computer Science)

Academic Year: 2015-2016
Date & Time: 29th February 2016, 11:00 am
Duration: 3h




  1. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Answers of both the sections should be written in same answer book.
  3. Draw well labelled diagrams and write balanced equations wherever necessary.
  4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
  5. Use of logarithmic table is allowed.
  6. Every new question must be started on a new page.


[12]1 | Answer any six of the following

What is ferromagnetism?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Solid State

Iron (z=26) is highly ferromagnetic. Explain.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Solid State

Define boiling point

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Solutions [0.02] Solutions and Colligative Properties

Write the formula to determine the molar mass of a solute using freezing point depresssion method.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Solutions and Colligative Properties
[2]1.3 | Write mathematical equation of first law of thermodynamics

Write mathematical equation of first law of thermodynamics for the following processes :
Adiabatic process.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic

Write mathematical equation of first law of thermodynamics for Isochoric process. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic

Explain a graphical method to determine activation energy of a reaction.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Chemical Kinetics
[2]1.5 | Write the names and chemical formulae

Write the names and chemical formulae of any one ore of iron.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

Write the names and chemical formulae of any one ore of zinc.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

What is the action of sodium on arsenic.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.01] Group 15 Elements

What is the action of Magnesium on bismuth.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.01] Group 15 Elements

Define enthalpy of sublimation.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic

How is enthalpy of sublimation related to enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporization?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic

What are Ellingham's diagrams? Write 2 features of it.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

Write features of Ellingham's diagrams

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
[9]2 | Answer any 3 of the following

Silver crystallises in FCC structure. If density of silver is 10.51 gcm-3, calculate the volume of unit cell. [Atomic mass of slive (Ag) = 108 gm-1]

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Solid State

The vapour pressure of pure benzene is 640mm og Hg. 2.175×10-3kg of non-vloatile solute is added to 39 gram of benzene the vapour pressure of solution is 600mm of HG. Calculate molar mass of solute.

[C = 12, H = 1]

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Solutions and Colligative Properties

Calculate C-Cl bond enthalpy from following reaction:

CH3Cl(g) + Cl2(g) → Ch2Cl2(g) + HCl(g) ΔH° = -104KJ

If C-H, Cl-Cl and H-Cl bond enthalpies are 414, 243 and 431 KJ-Mol-1 respectively.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic

Define cell constant.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Electrochemistry

Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of primary reference electrode.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Electrochemistry
[7]3 | Answer any ONE of the following

Write four points of differences between properties of nitrogen and other elements of group 15.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.01] Group 15 Elements

Explain the structure of ClF3

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.03] Group 17 Elements

Conductivity of a solution is 6.23 x 10-5  Ω-1cm-1 and its resistance is 13710Ω. If the electrodes are 0.7cm apart, calculate the cross-sectional area of electrode.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Electrochemistry

Why is molality of a solution independent of temperature?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Solutions and Colligative Properties

What are neutral oxides?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.02] Group 16 Elements

Explain the nature of zinc oxide with the help of the reactions.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.02] Group 16 Elements

Define "Molar conductivity".

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Electrochemistry

Define “zero order reaction”.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Chemical Kinetics

In a first order reaction x → y, 40% of the given sample of compound remains unreacted in 45 minutes. Calculate rate constant of the reaction.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Chemical Kinetics

Define “zero order reaction”.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Chemical Kinetics
[7]4 | Select and write the most appropriate answer from the given alternatives for each sub-question

The molecular formula H2S2O2 represents which oxoacid?

  • Hydrosulphurous acid
  • Thiosulphurous acid
  • Sulphuric acid
  • Pyrosulphurous acid
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.02] Group 16 Elements

Iodine exists as

  • polar molecular solid
  • ionic solid
  • nonpolar molecular solid
  • hydrogen bonded molecular solid
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [7.03] Group 17 Elements

Absolute entropies of solids, liquids and gases can be determined by

  • Measuring heat capacity of substance at various temperatures
  • Subtracting standard entropy of reactants from products
  • Measuring vibrational motion of molecules
  • Using formula ΔS° = ST° - SO°
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic

The determination of molar mass from elevation in boiling point is called as

  • cryoscopy
  • colorimetry
  • ebullioscopy
  • spectroscopy
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Solutions and Colligative Properties

The process of leaching alumina, using sodium carbonate is called

  • Bayer's process
  • Decomposition
  • Cyanide process
  • Hall's process
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

On calculating the strength of current in amperes if a charge of 840C (coulomb) passes through an electrolyte in 7 minutes, it will be

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Electrochemistry

A → B is a first order reaction with rate 6.6 × 10-5m-s-1. When [A] is 0.6m, rate constant of the reaction is

  • 1.1 × 10-5s-1
  • 1.1 × 10-4s-1
  • 9 × 10-5s-1
  • 9 × 10-4s-1
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Chemical Kinetics
[12]5 | Answer any SIX of the following

Why is Sc3+ colourless while Ti3+ coloured? (Atomic number Sc = 21, Ti =22)

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [8.01] D-block Elements

Illustrate with example, the difference between a double salt and a co-ordination compound

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Coordination Compounds

How is chlorobenzene prepared from aniline?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [13.01] Amines

How is chlorobenzene converted into diphenyl/biphenyl?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [10.02] Haloarenes

What is metamerism? 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers [11.01] Alcohols [11.02] Phenols [11.03] Ethers

Explain metamerism with suitable examples of ethers

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers [11.01] Alcohols [11.02] Phenols [11.03] Ethers

What are ketones? 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids [12.01] Aldehydes and Ketones

How are ketones classified?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [12.01] Aldehydes and Ketones

How is 1-nitropropane prepared from suitable oxime?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [12.02] Carboxylic Acids

How are  2 - nitropropane prepared from suitable oxime?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [12.02] Carboxylic Acids

Define antioxidants?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [16.02] Chemicals in Food

Draw structure of BHT.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [16.02] Chemicals in Food

Define carbohydrates.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.14] Biomolecules

Write the reaction for the preparation of Nylon-6.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.15] Polymers
[9]6 | Answer any THREE of the following

What are f-block elements? 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [8.02] F-block Elements

Distinguish between lanthanoid and actinoids.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Transition and Inner Transition Elements [8.02] F-block Elements

Explain  Optical activity

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Coordination Compounds

What are ligands?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Coordination Compounds

What are interstitial compounds?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [8.01] D-block Elements

Write the formula of Tetraminodichloroplatinum (IV) chloridex.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Coordination Compounds

 How is propene converted into 1- bromopropane and 2 - bromopropane?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [10.01] Haloalkanes

Define Broad-spectrum antibiotics with a suitable example?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [16.01] Chemicals in Medicines

How are polythene and neoprene prepared?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.15] Polymers
[7]7 | Answer any ONE of the following :

Explain the mechanism of esterification

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [12.02] Carboxylic Acids

Write the reactions involved in dehydration of 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [11.01] Alcohols

What are vitamins?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [14.03] Vitamins

Name any two diseases caused by deficiency of Vitamin A

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [14.03] Vitamins

Write the structure of a nucleoside

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [14.04] Nucleic Acids

Write the structure of a nucleotide

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [14.04] Nucleic Acids

How are 1 - nitropropane, 2-nitropropane and 2-methyl 2- nitropropane are distinguished from each other using nitrous acid?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [13.01] Amines
[7]8 | Select and write the most appropriate answers from the given alternatives

The preparation of alkyl fluoride from alkyl chloride, in presence of metallic fluorides is known as ______________.

Williamson’s reaction

Finkelstein reaction

Swarts reaction

Wurtz reaction

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [10.01] Haloalkanes

Identify the weakest acidic compound amongst the following

(a) p-nitrophenol                 

(b) p-chlorophenol

(c) p-cresol                         

(d) p-raminophenol

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [11.02] Phenols

On acid hydrolysis, propane nitrile gives.


 Acetic acid


Propanoic acid

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [12.02] Carboxylic Acids

Which of the following amines yields foul smelling product with holoform and alcoholic KOH?

(a)    Ethyl amine                   

(b)   Diethyl amine

(c)    Triethyi amine               

(d)  Ethyl methyl amine

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [13.01] Amines

Which of the following NOT present in DNA?

(a)  adenine                        

(b) Guanine

(c) Thymine

(d) Uracil

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [14.04] Nucleic Acids

Amongst the followings, identify a copolymer?

(a) Orion                            

(b) PVC

(c) PHBV

(d) Teflon

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.15] Polymers

Phenelzine is used as an

(a)  analgesic                      

(b) antiseptic

(c) antipyretic

(d) antidepressant

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [11.02] Phenols

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Maharashtra State Board previous year question papers 12th Standard Board Exam Chemistry with solutions 2015 - 2016

     Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam Chemistry question paper solution is key to score more marks in final exams. Students who have used our past year paper solution have significantly improved in speed and boosted their confidence to solve any question in the examination. Our Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam Chemistry question paper 2016 serve as a catalyst to prepare for your Chemistry board examination.
     Previous year Question paper for Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam Chemistry-2016 is solved by experts. Solved question papers gives you the chance to check yourself after your mock test.
     By referring the question paper Solutions for Chemistry, you can scale your preparation level and work on your weak areas. It will also help the candidates in developing the time-management skills. Practice makes perfect, and there is no better way to practice than to attempt previous year question paper solutions of Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam.

How Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam Question Paper solutions Help Students ?
• Question paper solutions for Chemistry will helps students to prepare for exam.
• Question paper with answer will boost students confidence in exam time and also give you an idea About the important questions and topics to be prepared for the board exam.
• For finding solution of question papers no need to refer so multiple sources like textbook or guides.


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