HSC Science (General)
HSC Science (Electronics)
HSC Science (Computer Science)
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Date: July 2016
The difference in tensions in the string at lowest and highest points in the path of the particle of mass 'm' performing vertical circular motion is:....
a) 2 mg
b) 4 mg
c) 6 mg
d) 8 mg
Chapter: [0.01] Circular Motion
The body is rotating with uniform angular velocity (w) having rotational kinetic energy (E). Its angular momentum (L) is: ...............
a) `(2E)/ω`
b) `E^2/ω`
c) `E/ω^2`
d) `E/(2ω)`
Chapter: [0.03] Angular Momentum
The S.I. unit of compressibility is __________.
Chapter: [0.05] Elasticity
The working of RADAR is based on ...............
a) resonance
b) speed of a star
c) Doppler effect
d) speed of rotation of sun
Chapter: [0.06] Superposition of Waves [0.07] Wave Motion [0.1] Wave Theory of Light
If two capillary tubes of different diameters are partially dipped in the same liquid vertically, then the rise of liquid ..........
a) is same in both the tubes
b) is more in the tube of larger ~iameter
c) will not be in smaller diameter tube
d) is more in the tube of smaller diameter
Chapter: [0.02] Mechanical Properties of Fluids [0.06] Surface Tension
A sonometer wire vibrates with three nodes and two antinodes, the corresponding mode of vibration is ...................
a) First overtone
b) Second overtone
c) Third overtane
d) Fourth overtone
Chapter: [0.06] Superposition of Waves [0.08] Stationary Waves
Two gases exert pressure in the ratio 3: 2 and their densities are in the ratio 2: 3, then the ratio of their R.M.S. velocities is ...........
Chapter: [0.09] Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
Draw a diagram showing all components of forces acting on a vehicle moving on a curved banked road.
Chapter: [0.01] Circular Motion
Derive an expression for critical velocity of a satellite revolving around the earth in a circular orbit.
Chapter: [0.02] Gravitation
Draw a neat labelled diagram of rise of liquid in capillary tube showing different components of tension (force).
Chapter: [0.02] Mechanical Properties of Fluids [0.06] Surface Tension
State any four assumptions of kinetic theory of gases.
Chapter: [0.09] Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
A tube open at both ends has length 47 em. Calculate the fundamental frequency of air column. (Neglect end correction. Speed of sound in air is 3.3 x 102m/s}
Chapter: [0.06] Superposition of Waves [0.08] Stationary Waves
A uniform solid sphere has a radius 0.1 m and density 6 x 103 kg/m3• Find its moment of inertia about a tangent to its surface.
Chapter: [0.03] Angular Momentum
A particle executes S.H.M. with a period of 10 seconds. Find the time in which its potential energy will be half of its total energy.
Chapter: [0.04] Oscillations
A stone of mass 2 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle attached at the end of 1.5m long string. If the string makes an angle of 30° with vertical, compute its period. (g = 9.8 m/s2)
Chapter: [0.01] Rotational Dynamics [0.03] Angular Momentum
State Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
Chapter: [0.02] Gravitation
Obtain an expression for torque acting on a body rotating with uniform angular acceleration.
Chapter: [0.01] Rotational Dynamics
A steel wire having cross-sectional area 2 mm2 is stretched by ION. Find the lateral strain produced in the wire. (Given : Y for steel = 2 x 1011 N / m2, Poisson's ratio δ = 0.29)
Chapter: [0.05] Elasticity
A body cools from 62°C to 54°C in 10 minutes and to 48°C in the next 10 minutes. Find the temperature of the surroundings.
Chapter: [0.09] Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
Explain the formation of stationary waves by analytical method. Show that nodes and antinodes are equally spaced in stationary waves.
Chapter: [0.08] Stationary Waves
The speed limit for a vehicle on road is 120 km/ hr. A policeman detects a drop of 10% in the pitch of horn of a car as it passes him. Is the policeman justified in punishing the car driver for crossing the speed limit? (Given: Velocity of sound= 340 m/s)
Chapter: [0.01] Circular Motion
Define practical simple pendulum
Chapter: [0.04] Oscillations
Show that motion of bob of the pendulum with small amplitude is linear S.H.M. Hence obtain an expression for its period. What are the factors on which its period depends?
Chapter: [0.04] Oscillations
The total free surface energy of a liquid drop is `pisqrt2` times the surface tension of the liquid. Calculate the diameter of the drop in S.l. unit.
Chapter: [0.02] Mechanical Properties of Fluids [0.06] Surface Tension
A parallel beam of light travelling in water is incident obliquely on a glass surface. After refraction its width ..............
a) decreases
b) increases
c) remains the same
d) becomes zero
Chapter: [0.11] Interference and Diffraction
If 'a' is the aperture of telescope and A. is the wavelength of light then resolving power of telescope is .............
a) `lambda/(1.22a)`
b) `(1.22a)/lambda`
c) `(1.22 lambda)/a`
d) `a/(1.22lambda)`
Chapter: [0.11] Interference and Diffraction
From earth's surface, ionospheric layer of atmosphere lies between ............
(a) 12 km to 50 km
(b) 50 km to 80 km
(c) 80 km to 400 km
(d) 400 km to 700 km
Chapter: [0.2] Communication Systems
The kinetic energy of emitted photoelectorns is independent of ............
(a) frequency of incident radiation.
(b) intensity of incident radiation.
(c) wavelength of incident radiation
(d) collector plate potential
Chapter: [0.03] Angular Momentum
In hydrogen atom Balmer series is obtained when the electron jumps from ............ .
(a) higher orbit to first orbit
(b) first orbit to a higher orbit
(c) higher orbit to the second orbit
(d) second orbit to a higher orbit
Chapter: [0.18] Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
The fraction of the total current passing through the galvanometer is ............ .
a) `S/(S+G)`
b) `G/(S+G)`
c) `(S+G)/G`
d) `(S+G)/S`
Chapter: [0.09] Current Electricity [0.14] Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
A meter gauge train is heading north with speed 54 km/hr in earth's magnetic field 3 x 10-4T. The e.m.f. induced across the axle joining the wheels is ..........
(a) 0.45 mV
(b) 4.5 mV
(c) 45 mV
(d) 450 m V
Chapter: [0.11] Magnetic Materials [0.15] Magnetism
Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor. (Give any two points).
Chapter: [0.19] Semiconductors
Draw the block diagram of a receiver in communication system
Chapter: [0.2] Communication Systems
A point is situated at 6.5 em and 6.65 em from two coherent sources. Find the nature of illumination at the point, if wavelength of light is 5000 Å
Chapter: [0.11] Interference and Diffraction
Draw the diagrams showing the dipole moments in paramagnetic substance when external magnetic field is (a) absent (b) strong
Chapter: [0.15] Magnetism
A voltmeter has a resistance of 100 Ω. What will be its reading when it is connected across a cell of e.m.f. 2V and internal resistance 20Ω?
The susceptibility of magnesium at 300K is 1.2 x 10-5. At what temperature will the susceptibility increase to 1.8 X 10-5?
Chapter: [0.09] Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
What is de Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated through 25000 volt?
Chapter: [0.18] Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
Draw the schematic symbols for AND, OR, NOT and NAND gate
Chapter: [0.19] Semiconductors
Using analytical method for interference bands, obtain an expression for path difference between two light waves.
Chapter: [0.11] Interference and Diffraction
State the law of radioactive decay.
Chapter: [0.15] Structure of Atoms and Nuclei [0.18] Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
Derive the mathematical expression for law of radioactive decay for a sample of a radioactive nucleus
Chapter: [0.15] Structure of Atoms and Nuclei [0.18] Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
Represent Radioactive Decay curve using relation `N = N_o e^(-lambdat)` graphically
Chapter: [0.15] Structure of Atoms and Nuclei [0.18] Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
Determine the change in wavelenght of light during its passage from air to glass, if the refracrtive index of glass with respect to air is 1.5 and the frequency of light is 5 x 1014 Hz. Find the wave number of light in glass (velocity of light in air c = 3 X 108 m/s)
Chapter: [0.1] Wave Theory of Light
Light of wavelength 3000Å falls on a metal surface having work function 2.3 eV. Calculate the maximum velocity of ejected electrons
(Planck's constant h = 6.63 x 10-34 J.s., Velocity of light c = 3 x 108 m/s, mass of an electron = 9.1 x 10-31 kg)
Chapter: [0.18] Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
What is electromagnetic induction?
Chapter: [0.12] Electromagnetic Induction [0.16] Electromagnetic Inductions
Prove theoretically (electromagnetic induction) `e = (dphi)/(dt)`
Chapter: [0.12] Electromagnetic Induction [0.16] Electromagnetic Inductions
A potentiometer wire has length of 2m and resistance 10Ω. It is connected in series with resistance 990Ω and a cell of e.m.f. 2V. Calculate the potential gradient along the wire.
Chapter: [0.13] Current Electricity
With the help of a neat diagram, describe the construction and working of van de Graff generator.
Chapter: [0.12] Electrostatics
A moving coil galvanometer has a resistance of 25Ω and gives a full scale deflection for a current of 10mA. How will you convert it into a voltmeter having range 0 - 100 V?
Chapter: [0.09] Current Electricity [0.14] Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
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Maharashtra State Board previous year question papers 12th Standard Board Exam Physics with solutions 2015 - 2016
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