
Find the integrals of the function: sin2x1+cosx - Mathematics



Find the integrals of the function:

`(sin^2 x)/(1 + cos x)`



Let `I = int (sin^2 x)/(1 + cos x)  dx`

`= int (1 - cos^2 x)/(1+ cos x)  dx`

`= int ((1 - cos x) (1 + cos x))/(1 + cos x)  dx`

`= int (1 - cos x) dx`

`= int 1  dx - int cos x  dx`

`= x - sin x + C`

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Chapter 7: Integrals - Exercise 7.3 [Page 307]


NCERT Mathematics [English] Class 12
Chapter 7 Integrals
Exercise 7.3 | Q 12 | Page 307

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Find the integrals of the function:

sin2 (2x + 5)

Find the integrals of the function:

sin3 (2x + 1)

Find the integrals of the function:

sin3 x cos3 x

Find the integrals of the function:

sin x sin 2x sin 3x

Find the integrals of the function:

`(1-cosx)/(1 +  cos x)`

Find the integrals of the function:

`cos x/(1 + cos x)`

Find the integrals of the function:

sin4 x

Find the integrals of the function:

cos4 2x

Find the integrals of the function:

`(cos 2x - cos 2 alpha)/(cos x - cos alpha)`

Find the integrals of the function:

`(cos x -  sinx)/(1+sin 2x)`

Find the integrals of the function:

tan3 2x sec 2x

Find the integrals of the function:

`(sin^3 x + cos^3 x)/(sin^2x cos^2 x)`

Find the integrals of the function:

`1/(cos(x - a) cos(x - b))`

`int (sin^2x - cos^2 x)/(sin^2 x cos^2 x) dx` is equal to ______.

Find  `int dx/(x^2 + 4x + 8)`

Find `int (2x)/((x^2 + 1)(x^4 + 4))`dx

Find `int_  (log "x")^2 d"x"`

Find `int_  (sin2"x")/((sin^2 "x"+1)(sin^2"x"+3))d"x"`

Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (-1, 1), (0, 5) and (3, 2), using integration. 

`int"dx"/sqrt(5-4"x" - 2"x"^2)`

Integrate the function `cos("x + a")/sin("x + b")` w.r.t. x.

Find: `intsqrt(1 - sin 2x) dx, pi/4 < x < pi/2`

Find `int "dx"/(2sin^2x + 5cos^2x)`

`int "dx"/(sin^2x cos^2x)` is equal to ______.

`int (sin^6x)/(cos^8x) "d"x` = ______.

Evaluate the following:

`int ("d"x)/(1 + cos x)`

Evaluate the following:

`int (sinx + cosx)/sqrt(1 + sin 2x) "d"x`

Evaluate the following:

`int (sin^6x + cos^6x)/(sin^2x cos^2x) "d"x`

Evaluate the following:

`int "e"^(tan^-1x) ((1 + x + x^2)/(1 + x^2)) "d"x`

The value of the integral `int_(1/3)^1 (x - x^3)^(1/3)/x^4  dx` is

`int (cos^2x)/(sin x + cos x)^2  dx` is equal to



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