
Selina solutions for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE chapter 27 - Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) [Latest edition]



Selina solutions for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE chapter 27 - Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) - Shaalaa.com

Solutions for Chapter 27: Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically)

Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 27 of CISCE Selina for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE.

Exercise 27 (A)Exercise 27 (B)
Exercise 27 (A) [Page 326]

Selina solutions for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE 27 Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) Exercise 27 (A) [Page 326]

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.1 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
x = 5

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.2 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
x + 5 = 0

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.3 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
y = 7

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.4 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
y + 7 = 0

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.5 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
2x + 3y = 0

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.6 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
3x + 2y = 6

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.7 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
x - 5y + 4 = 0

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 1.8 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation, given below :
5x + y + 5 = 0

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 2.1 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation given below; hence find the co-ordinates of the points where the graph is drawn meets the co-ordinates axes:
`(1)/(3) x +(1)/(5) y = 1`.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 2.2 | Page 326

Draw the graph for the equation given below; hence find the co-ordinates of the points where the graph is drawn meets the co-ordinates axes:
`(2x + 15)/(3) = y - 1`

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 3 | Page 326

Draw the graph of the straight line given by the equation 4x - 3y + 36 = 0
Calculate the area of the triangle formed by the line drawn and the co-ordinate axes.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 4 | Page 326

Draw the graph of the equation 2x - 3y - 5 = 0
From the graph, find:
(i) x1, the value of x, when y = 7
(ii) x2, the value of x, when y = - 5.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 5 | Page 326

Draw the graph of the equation
4x + 3y + 6 = 0
From the graph, find :
(i) y1, the value of y, when x = 12.
(ii) y2, the value of y, when x = - 6.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 6 | Page 326

Use the table given below to draw the graph.

X - 5 - 1 3 b 13
Y - 2 a 2 5 7

From your graph, find the values of 'a' and 'b'.
State a linear relationship between the variables x and y.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 7 | Page 326

Draw the graph obtained from the table below:

X a 3 - 5 5 c - 1
Y - 1 2 b 3 4 0

Use the graph to find the values of a, b and c. State a linear relation between the variables x and y.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 8 | Page 326

A straight line passes through the points (2, 4) and (5, - 2). Taking 1 cm = 1 unit; mark these points on a graph paper and draw the straight line through these points. If points (m, - 4) and (3, n) lie on the line drawn; find the values of m and n.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 9 | Page 326

Draw the graph (straight line) given by equation x - 3y = 18. If the straight line is drawn passes through the points (m, - 5) and (6, n); find the values of m and n.

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 10.1 | Page 326

Use the graphical method to find the value of k, if:
(k, -3) lies on the straight line 2x + 3y = 1

Exercise 27 (A) | Q 10.2 | Page 326

Use the graphical method to find the value of k, if:
(5, k - 2) lies on the straight line x - 2y + 1 = 0

Exercise 27 (B) [Page 329]

Selina solutions for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE 27 Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) Exercise 27 (B) [Page 329]

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 1.1 | Page 329

Solve, graphically, the following pairs of equation :
x - 5 = 0 
y + 4 = 0

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 1.2 | Page 329

Solve, graphically, the following pairs of equation :
2x + y = 23
4x - y = 19

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 1.3 | Page 329

Solve, graphically, the following pairs of equation :
3x + 7y = 27
8 - y = `(5)/(2)x`

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 1.4 | Page 329

Solve, graphically, the following pairs of equations :
`(x + 1)/(4) = (2)/(3)(1 - 2y)`

`(2 + 5y)/(3) = x/(7) -2`

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 2 | Page 329

Solve graphically the simultaneous equations given below. Take the scale as 2 cm = 1 unit on both the axes.
x - 2y - 4 = 0
2x + y = 3

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 3 | Page 329

Use graph paper for this question. Draw the graph of 2x - y - 1 = 0 and 2x + y = 9 on the same axes. Use 2 cm = 1 unit on both axes and plot only 3 points per line. Write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 4 | Page 329

Use graph paper for this question. Take 2 cm = 2 units on x-axis and 2 cm = 1 unit on y-axis.
Solve graphically the following equation:
3x + 5y = 12; 3x - 5y + 18 = 0 (Plot only three points per line)

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 5 | Page 329

Use graph paper for this question. Take 2 cm = 1 unit on both the axes.

  1. Draw the graphs of x + y + 3 = 0 and 3x - 2y + 4 = 0. Plot only three points per line.
  2. Write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the lines.
  3. Measure and record the distance of the point of intersection of the lines from the origin in cm.
Exercise 27 (B) | Q 6 | Page 329

The sides of a triangle are given by the equations y - 2 = 0; y + 1 = 3 (x - 2) and x + 2y = 0.
Find, graphically : 
(i) the area of a triangle;
(ii) the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 7 | Page 329

By drawing a graph for each of the equations 3x + y + 5 = 0; 3y - x = 5 and 2x + 5y = 1 on the same graph paper; show that the lines given by these equations are concurrent (i.e. they pass through the same point). Take 2 cm = 1 unit on both the axes.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 8 | Page 329

Using a scale of 1 cm to 1 unit for both the axes, draw the graphs of the following equations: 6y = 5x + 10, y = 5x - 15.
From the graph find :
(i) the coordinates of the point where the two lines intersect;
(ii) the area of the triangle between the lines and the x-axis.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 9.1 | Page 329

The cost of manufacturing x articles is Rs. (50 + 3x). The selling price of x articles is Rs. 4x.

On a graph sheet, with the same axes, and taking suitable scales draw two graphs, first for the cost of manufacturing against no. of articles and the second for the selling price against the number of articles.

Use your graph to determine:
No. of articles to be manufactured and sold to break even (no profit and no loss).

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 9.2 | Page 329

The cost of manufacturing x articles is Rs.(50 + 3x). The selling price of x articles is Rs. 4x.

On a graph sheet, with the same axes, and taking suitable scales draw two graphs, first for the cost of manufacturing against no. of articles and the second for the selling price against the number of articles.

Use your graph to determine:
The profit or loss made when (a) 30 (b) 60 articles are manufactured and sold.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 10 | Page 329

Find graphically, the vertices of the triangle whose sides have the equations 2y - x = 8; 5y - x = 14 and y - 2x = 1 respectively. Take 1 cm = 1 unit on both the axes.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 11 | Page 329

Using the same axes of co-ordinates and the same unit, solve graphically :
x + y = 0 and 3x - 2y = 10.
(Take at least 3 points for each line drawn).

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 12 | Page 329

Solve graphically, the following equations.
x + 2y = 4; 3x - 2y = 4.
Take 2 cm = 1 unit on each axis.
Also, find the area of the triangle formed by the lines and the x-axis.

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 13 | Page 329

Use the graphical method to find the value of 'x' for which the expressions `(3x + 2)/(2) and (3)/(4)x - 2`

Exercise 27 (B) | Q 14 | Page 329

The course of an enemy submarine, as plotted on rectangular co-ordinate axes, gives the equation 2x + 3y = 4. On the same axes, a destroyer's course is indicated by the graph x - y = 7. Use the graphical method to find the point at which the paths of the submarine and the destroyer intersect?

Solutions for 27: Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically)

Exercise 27 (A)Exercise 27 (B)
Selina solutions for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE chapter 27 - Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) - Shaalaa.com

Selina solutions for Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE chapter 27 - Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically)

Shaalaa.com has the CISCE Mathematics Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE CISCE solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Selina solutions for Mathematics Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE CISCE 27 (Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically)) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.

Further, we at Shaalaa.com provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Selina textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.

Concepts covered in Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE chapter 27 Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) are Graphical Method, Graph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables.

Using Selina Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE solutions Graphical Solution (Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations, Graphically) exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Selina Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum CISCE Concise Mathematics [English] Class 9 ICSE students prefer Selina Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.

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