- The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the vertebral column, at the back of the abdomen. Each kidney contains about 1 million tiny filtering units called nephrons.
- A nephron has a thin-walled Bowman’s capsule and a capillary network called the glomerulus.
- Urea, produced in the liver, enters the blood and is filtered out in the glomerulus along with other waste substances.
- Water and small useful molecules pass through the semipermeable membrane of the Bowman’s capsule and enter the nephron’s tubular part.
- Useful substances like water, glucose, and salts are reabsorbed into the blood from the nephron tubules.
- The remaining waste solution becomes urine, which is carried to the urinary bladder by the ureters.
- The urinary bladder stores urine and expels it through the urethra when it contracts, under nerve control.
- The kidneys filter about 190 litres of blood daily, forming 1 to 1.9 litres of urine, while the rest of the liquid is reabsorbed. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left.
- Skin and lungs also assist in excretion by removing sweat and carbon dioxide, respectively. The kidneys filter the body’s 5 litres of blood about 400 times each day.
Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants
- Reproduction
- Mode of Reproduction in Plant
- Asexual Reproduction in Plant
- Vegetative Reproduction
- Natural Vegetative Reproduction
- Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
- Pre-fertilization in Plant: Structure and Events
- Pre-fertilization in Plant: Stamen (Male Reproductive Unit)
- Pre-fertilization in Plant: Microsporangium
- Structure of Microspore Or Pollen Grain
- Pre-fertilization in Plant: Pistil (Female Reproductive Unit)
- Pre-fertilization in Plant: Megasporangium
- Pre-fertilization in Plant: Formation of Embryo Sac
- Pollination
- Self Pollination (Autogamy)
- Cross Pollination
- Agents of Pollination
- Outbreeding Devices
- Pollen Pistil Interaction
- Fertilization Process
- Post Fertilisation in Plant: Structures and Events
- Development of Endosperm
- Post Fertilization in Plant: Development of Embryo (Embryogeny)
- Formation of Seed and Fruit
- Apomixis
- Parthenocarpy
- Polyembryony
- Kinds of Pollination
Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals
- Reproduction
- Mode of Reproduction in Animal
- Asexual Reproduction in Animal
- Sexual Reproduction in Animals
- Human Reproduction
- The Male Reproductive System
- The Female Reproductive System
- Menstrual Cycle (Ovarian Cycle)
- Gametogenesis
- Fertilization in Human
- Embryonic Development in Human
- Implantation in Human
- Pregnancy in Humans
- Placenta (Growth) in Human
- Parturition (Birth) in Human
- Lactation in Human
- Reproductive Health
- Population Stabilisation and Birth Control
- Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
- Infertility
- Gastrulation in humans
Inheritance and Variation
- Heredity or Inheritance
- Gregor Johann Mendel – Father of Genetics
- Genes and Genetic
- Mendelian Inheritance - Mendel’s Law of Heredity
- Back Cross and Test Cross
- Deviations from Mendel’s Findings
- Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
- Chromosomes - The Carriers of Heredity
- Linkage and Crossing Over
- Autosomal Inheritance
- Sex Linked Inheritance
- Sex Determination
- Genetic Disorders
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Its Structure
- The Genetic Material is a DNA
- Packaging of DNA Helix
- DNA Replication
- Protein Synthesis
- Regulation of Gene Expression
- Operon Concept
- Genomics
- Human Genome Project
- DNA Fingerprinting Technique
- Genetic Code
Origin and Evolution of Life
- Origin and Evolution of Universe and Earth
- Theories of Origin of Life
- Chemical Evolution of Life (Self-assembly Theory of the Origin of Life)
- Darwinism
- Mutation Theory
- Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution
- Organic Evolution
- Hardy Weinberg’s Principle
- Adaptive Radiation
- Evidences for Biological Evolution
- Speciation
- Geological Time Scale
- Human Evolution
- Theories of Biological Evolution
Plant Water Relation
- Plant Water Relation
- Properties of Water
- Water absorbing organ
- Water Available to Roots for Absorption
- Means of Transport in Plants
- Concept of Imbibition
- Simple Diffusion
- Concept of Osmosis
- Osmotic Pressure
- Facilitated Diffusion
- Turgidity and Flaccidity (Plasmolysis)
- Active Transport
- Passive Transport
- Water Potential (ψ)
- Path of Water Across the Root
- Translocation of Water (Ascent of Sap)
- Transport of Mineral Ions
- Transport of Food
- Transpiration
- Types of Transpiration
- Structure of Stomatal Apparatus
- Significance of Transpiration
Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition
- Plant Growth
- Phases of Plant Growth
- Conditions Necessary for Plant Growth
- Plant Growth Rate
- Plant Growth Curve
- Differentiation, De-differentiation, Re- Differentiation
- Plant Development
- Plant Plasticity
- Plant Hormones
- Types of Plant Hormones: Auxins
- Types of Plant Hormones: Gibberellins
- Types of Plant Hormones: Cytokinins
- Types of Plant Hormones: Ethylene
- Types of Plant Hormones: Abscisic Acid (ABA)
- Photoperiodism
- Vernalization (Yarovization)
- Plant Mineral Nutrition
- Nitrogen Cycle
Respiration and Circulation
- Respiration
- Organs of Respiratory Exchange
- Human Respiratory System
- Mechanism of respiration-Breathing
- Regulation of Breathing / Respiration
- Modified Respiratory Movements
- Disorders of Respiratory System
- Transportation in Living Organisms
- Circulation in Animals
- Types of Closed Circulation
- Blood Circulatory System in Human
- Composition of Blood: Plasma (The Liquid Portion of Blood)
- Composition of Blood: Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
- Composition of Blood: White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
- Composition of Blood: Blood Platelets (Thrombocytes)
- Function of Platelets - Clotting of Blood (Coagulation)
- Human Heart
- Working mechanism of human heart
- Blood Vessels
- Blood Pressure (B.P.)
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Lymph and Lymphatic System
- Mechanism of respiration - Internal respiration
- Mechanism of respiration - External respiration
- Mechanism of respiration - Cellular respiration
Control and Co-ordination
- Control and Co-ordination
- Nervous System in Hydra
- Nervous System in Planaria (Flatworm)
- Neural Tissue
- Neuron (Or Nerve Cell) and Its Types
- Neuroglial Cells (Or Glial Cells)
- Human Nervous System
- Central Nervous System (CNS)
- The Human Brain - Forebrain
- The Spinal Cord
- Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
- Sensory Receptors
- Human Eye
- Human Ear
- Disorders of Nervous System
- Chemical Coordination
- Human Endocrine System
- The Hypothalamus
- Pituitary Gland or Hypophysis Gland
- The Pineal Gland
- Thyroid Gland
- Parathyroid Gland
- Thymus Gland
- Adrenal Gland (Suprarenal Gland)
- Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)
- Reproductive Glands (Gonads)
- Synapse - Properties of nerve fibres
- Synapse - Types of synapse
- Transmission of nerve impulse
- Generation of nerve impulse
- Reflex Action
- Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
- Diffuse Endocrine Glands
Human Health and Diseases
- Defence System in Our Body: Immune System
- Immunity
- Types of Immunity
- Vaccination and Immunization
- Structure of Antibody
- Disease
- Protozoan Diseases
- Helminthic Diseases
- Bacterial Diseases
- Viral Diseases
- Fungal Diseases
- Vector Borne Diseases
- Cancer
- Adolescence
- Addiction
- Drug Abuse
Enhancement of Food Production
- Improvement in Food Production
- Plant Breeding
- Tissue Culture
- Single Cell Protein (SCP)
- Biofortification
- Animal Husbandry (Livestock)
- Animal Breeding
- Dairy Farming
- Poultry Farming
- Apiculture (Bee Farming)
- Pisciculture (Fish Farming)
- Sericulture
- Lac Culture
- Microbes in Human Welfare
- Microbes in Industrial Production
- Microbes in Sewage Treatment
- Microbes in Energy Generation
- Microbes as Biocontrol Agents
- Microbes as Biofertilizers
- Biotechnology
- Process and Principles of Biotechnology
- Methodology for rDNA Technology
- Commercial Applications of Biotechnology
- Bioethics
- Effects of Biotechnology on the Environment
- Biopatent and Biopiracy
- Transgenic Plants
- Transgenic animals
- Effects of Biotechnology on Human Health
- Tools and techniques for gene cloning/ rDNA technology
Organisms and Populations
- Organisms and the Environment Around
- Habitat
- Niche
- Structure and function of an Ecosystem
- Adaptations and Its Types
- Population
- Population Interactions
- Organisms and Populations
Ecosystems and Energy Flow
- Ecosystem
- Structure and function of an Ecosystem
- Concept of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
- Classification of Animal
- Trophic Level
- Food Chain
- Food Web
- Ecological Pyramids
- Nutrient Cycles
- Ecological Succession
- Ecosystem Services
- Productivity
- Decomposition
- Phosphorus Cycle
- Carbon Cycle
Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues
- Biodiversity
- Levels of Biodiversity
- Patterns of Biodiversity
- Biodiversity Current Scenario
- Loss of Biodiversity
- Conservation of Wildlife
- Biological Diversity Act, 2002
- Environmental Issues
- Air Pollution and Its Causes
- Noise Pollution
- Water Pollution and Its Causes
- Green House Effect
- Preventive Measures of Green House Effect
- Global Warming
- Preventive Measures of Global Warming
- Ozone Layer Depletion
- Deforestation and Its Causes
- Mission Harit Maharashtra
- Conservation of Biodiversity
Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Modes of Excretion: Ammonotelism, Ureotelism, and Uricotelism
- Human Excretory System
- Function of the Kidney - “Production of Urine”
- Regulation of Kidney Function
- Common Disorders of the Urinary System
Human Reproduction
- Introduction
- Human Excretory System Organs
- Excretion in Humans
- Mechanism of Excretion in Humans
- Dialysis
Our bodies get nutrients from the food we eat, which is digested and used to give us energy and keep us healthy. However, during this process, the body produces some harmful or toxic substances as waste. To stay healthy, the body needs to get rid of these wastes, and this is done through a process called excretion.
- Excretion is important because it removes these harmful wastes, keeping the body clean and functioning properly.
- Different living things have their own ways of getting rid of waste, depending on where they live and what they eat. For example, some use their kidneys, lungs, skin, or even eyes to remove waste.
- In humans, the kidneys are the main organs responsible for filtering the blood and removing waste. This waste is then sent out of the body in the form of urine.
- Other organs, like the lungs (which remove carbon dioxide when we breathe out), skin (which releases sweat) and eyes (which remove waste through tears), also help in the excretion process. All of these systems work together to keep the body healthy.
Human Excretory System Organs:
1. Kidneys: Bean-shaped organs located on either side of the backbone. They filter blood and remove waste, producing urine. Each kidney is about 10-12 cm long and weighs around 120-170 g.
Structure of the Kidney:
- Capsule: The outer protective layer of the kidney.
- Cortex and Medulla: Two zones inside the kidney.
- Cortex: The outer region.
- Medulla: The inner region containing the loops of Henle.
- Nephrons: The functional units of the kidney that filter blood and make urine.
- Glomerulus: A bunch of capillaries that filter blood.
- Bowman’s capsule: A cup-shaped structure around the glomerulus.
- Henle’s loop: Part of the nephron that helps concentrate urine.
2. Ureters: A pair of thin tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
3. Urinary Bladder: A muscular sac that stores urine until it is ready to be excreted. When full, the bladder empties through the process of urination (micturition).
4. Urethra: A tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. In males, it also serves as a passage for sperm.
Excretion in Humans:
Excretion is the process of removing metabolic wastes from the body. In humans, excretion occurs through different body parts and organs in a series of steps. Lower organisms use diffusion (simple movement of substances) for excretion, but humans need more complex processes.
Excretory system and kidneys
Mechanism of Excretion in Humans:
A. Urine Formation
Urine is made in the nephrons (tiny units in the kidneys). The process has three main steps:
- Glomerular Filtration: Waste and extra water are filtered from the blood into the kidney's tubules.
- Tubular Reabsorption: Useful substances like water, glucose, and salts are absorbed back into the blood.
- Secretion: Harmful substances like potassium, hydrogen ions, and ammonia are added to the urine to keep body fluids balanced.
B. Functions of the Tubules
- Glomerulus: Filters the blood.
- Proximal Convoluted Tubules (PCT): Reabsorb water and nutrients, remove toxins, and maintain pH balance.
- Descending Loop of Henle: Lets water out, making the urine more concentrated.
- Ascending Loop of Henle: Allows electrolytes (salts) to move out, diluting the urine.
- Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT): Reabsorbs water and sodium and helps balance pH.
- Collecting Duct: Reabsorbs lots of water from the urine before it leaves the body.
C. Micturition (Urination)
The urinary bladder fills with urine. Receptors in the bladder send signals to the brain. The brain signals the bladder to release urine through the urethra.
The kidneys may stop working efficiently due to injury, infection, or a decrease in blood supply. When this happens, toxic substances build up in the body, which can be life-threatening. If the kidneys fail, a process called dialysis is used to remove nitrogenous wastes from the blood with the help of a man-made machine. In dialysis:
- About 500 ml of blood is taken out of the body at a time and passed through the machine.
- The machine filters and removes the harmful waste substances. The purified blood is then returned to the patient’s body.
Types of dialysis:
1. Hemodialysis
In haemodialysis, a machine called a dialyzer filters the blood. The blood is removed from the body, cleaned in the machine, and returned to the body. This process is usually done in a hospital or dialysis centre and takes about 3-4 hours, typically a few times a week.
2. Peritoneal Dialysis
In peritoneal dialysis, the inside lining of your abdomen (called the peritoneum) acts as a natural filter. A special fluid is placed in the abdomen through a tube. This fluid helps draw out waste from the blood. After a few hours, the fluid is drained and replaced with fresh fluid. This type can be done at home, often while sleeping.
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