Use elementary column operations \[C_2 \to C_2 - 2 C_1\] in the matrix equation \[\begin{pmatrix}4 & 2 \\ 3 & 3\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}1 & 2 \\ 0 & 3\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}2 & 0 \\ 1 & 1\end{pmatrix}\] .
The cost of 4 pencils, 3 pens and 2 erasers is Rs. 60. The cost of 2 pencils, 4 pens and 6 erasers is Rs. 90 whereas the cost of 6 pencils, 2 pens and 3 erasers is Rs. 70. Find the cost of each item by using matrices.
Express the following equations in the matrix form and solve them by method of reduction :
2x- y + z = 1, x + 2y + 3z = 8, 3x + y - 4z =1
Use elementary column operation C2 → C2 + 2C1 in the following matrix equation :
`[[2,1],[2,0]] = [[3,1],[2,0]] [[1,0],[-1,1]]`
Using the properties of determinants, solve the following for x:
Prove that `|(yz-x^2,zx-y^2,xy-z^2),(zx-y^2,xy-z^2,yz-x^2),(xy-z^2,yz-x^2,zx-y^2)|`is divisible by (x + y + z) and hence find the quotient.
The cost of 2 books, 6 notebooks and 3 pens is Rs 40. The cost of 3 books, 4 notebooks and 2 pens is Rs 35, while the cost of 5 books, 7 notebooks and 4 pens is Rs 61. Using this information and matrix method, find the cost of 1 book, 1 notebook and 1 pen separately.
2x − y = 5
4x − 2y = 7
In the following matrix equation use elementary operation R2 → R2 + R1 and the equation thus obtained:
Use elementary column operation C2 → C2 + 2C1 in the following matrix equation : \[\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 1 \\ 2 & 0\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}3 & 1 \\ 2 & 0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 \\ - 1 & 1\end{bmatrix}\]
Apply the given elementary transformation on each of the following matrices `[(2, 4),(1, -5)]`, C1 ↔ C2.
Find the cofactor matrix, of the following matrices : `[(1, 2),(5, -8)]`
Find the cofactor matrix, of the following matrices: `[(5, 8, 7),(-1, -2, 1),(-2, 1, 1)]`
Find the adjoint of the following matrices : `[(2, -3),(3, 5)]`
Find the adjoint of the following matrices : `[(1, -1, 2),(-2, 3, 5),(-2, 0, -1)]`
Choose the correct alternative.
If A = `[("a", 0, 0),(0, "a", 0),(0, 0,"a")]`, then |adj.A| = _______
Choose the correct alternative.
If A = `[(2, 5),(1, 3)]`, then A–1 = _______
State whether the following is True or False :
Single element matrix is row as well as column matrix.
Solve the following :
If A = `[(1, 0, 0),(2, 1, 0),(3, 3, 1)]`, the reduce it to unit matrix by using row transformations.
If three numbers are added, their sum is 2. If 2 times the second number is subtracted from the sum of first and third numbers, we get 8. If three times the first number is added to the sum of second and third numbers, we get 4. Find the numbers using matrices.
Matrix `[("a", "b", "c"),("p", "q", "r"),(2"a" - "p", 2"b" - "q", 2"c" - "r")]` is a singular
The suitable elementary row transformation which will reduce the matrix `[(1, 0),(2, 1)]` into identity matrix is ______
Find the inverse of matrix A = `[(1, 0, 1),(0, 2, 3),(1, 2, 1)]` by using elementary row transformations
If `overlinea = 3hati + hatj + 4hatk, overlineb = 2hati - 3hatj + lambdahatk, overlinec = hati + 2hatj - 4hatk` and `overlinea.(overlineb xx overlinec) = 47`, then λ is equal to ______
If `overlinea = hati + hatj + hatk, overlinea . overlineb = 1` and `overlinea xx overlineb = hatj - hatk,` then `overlineb` = ______
If AX = B, where A = `[(1, 2, 3), (-1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 4)]` and B = `[(1), (2), (3)]`, then X is equal to ______
If A = `[(1, 1, -1), (1, -2, 1), (2, -1, -3)]`, then (adj A)A = ______
If A = `[(1, 2, 1), (3, 2, 3), (2, 1, 2)]`, then `a_11A_11 + a_21A_21 + a_31A_31` = ______
If a matrix has 28 elements, what are the possible orders it can have? What if it has 13 elements?
In the matrix A = `[("a", 1, x),(2, sqrt(3), x^2 - y),(0, 5, (-2)/5)]`, write: The number of elements
In the matrix A = `[("a", 1, x),(2, sqrt(3), x^2 - y),(0, 5, (-2)/5)]`, write: elements a23, a31, a12
Find non-zero values of x satisfying the matrix equation:
`x[(2x, 2),(3, x)] + 2[(8, 5x),(4, 4x)] = 2[(x^2 + 8, 24),(10, 6x)]`
Find the matrix A satisfying the matrix equation:
`[(2, 1),(3, 2)] "A" [(-3, 2),(5, -3)] = [(1, 0),(0, 1)]`
Find A, if `[(4),(1),(3)]` A = `[(-4, 8,4),(-1, 2, 1),(-3, 6, 3)]`
Solve for x and y: `x[(2),(1)] + y[(3),(5)] + [(-8),(-11)]` = O
If P = `[(x, 0, 0),(0, y, 0),(0, 0, z)]` and Q = `[("a", 0, 0),(0, "b", 0),(0, 0, "c")]`, prove that PQ = `[(x"a", 0, 0),(0, y"b", 0),(0, 0, z"c")]` = QP
If A = `[(0, -1, 2),(4, 3, -4)]` and B = `[(4, 0),(1, 3),(2, 6)]`, then verify that: (A′)′ = A
If A = `[(0, -1, 2),(4, 3, -4)]` and B = `[(4, 0),(1, 3),(2, 6)]`, then verify that: (A′)′ = (AB)' = B'A'
If A = `[(0, -1, 2),(4, 3, -4)]` and B = `[(4, 0),(1, 3),(2, 6)]`, then verify that: (kA)' = (kA')
Find the values of a, b, c and d, if `3[("a", "b"),("c", "d")] = [("a", 6),(-1, 2"d")] + [(4, "a" + "b"),("c" + "d", 3)]`
Find the matrix A such that `[(2, -1),(1, 0),(-3, 4)] "A" = [(-1, -8, -10),(1, -2, -5),(9, 22, 15)]`
If P(x) = `[(cosx, sinx),(-sinx, cosx)]`, then show that P(x) . (y) = P(x + y) = P(y) . P(x)
If possible, using elementary row transformations, find the inverse of the following matrices
`[(2, -1, 3),(-5, 3, 1),(-3, 2, 3)]`
If possible, using elementary row transformations, find the inverse of the following matrices
`[(2, 0, -1),(5, 1, 0),(0, 1, 3)]`
If A = `1/pi [(sin^-1(xpi), tan^-1(x/pi)),(sin^-1(x/pi), cot^-1(pix))]`, B = `1/pi [(-cos^-1(x/pi), tan^-1 (x/pi)),(sin^-1(x/pi),-tan^-1(pix))]`, then A – B is equal to ______.
In applying one or more row operations while finding A–1 by elementary row operations, we obtain all zeros in one or more, then A–1 ______.
If f(x) = `|(1 + sin^2x, cos^2x, 4 sin 2x),(sin^2x, 1 + cos^2x, 4 sin 2x),(sin^2 x, cos^2 x, 1 + 4 sin 2x)|`
What is the maximum value of f(x)?
if `A = [(2,5),(1,3)] "then" A^-1` = ______
If `[(3,0),(0,2)][(x),(y)] = [(3),(2)], "then" x = 1 "and" y = -1`