
As observed from the top of a 75 m high lighthouse from the sea-level, the angles of depression of two ships are 30° and 45°. - Mathematics



As observed from the top of a 75 m high lighthouse from the sea-level, the angles of depression of two ships are 30° and 45°. If one ship is exactly behind the other on the same side of the lighthouse, find the distance between the two ships.



Let AB be the lighthouse and the two ships be at point C and D respectively.


`"AB"/"BC"` = tan 45°

`75/"BC"` = 1

BC = 75 m


`"AB"/"BD"` = tan 30°

`75/("BC" + "CD") = 1/sqrt3`

`75/(75+"CD") = 1/sqrt3`

`75sqrt3 = 75 + "CD"`

`75(sqrt3 -1)"m" = "CD"`

If we take the value of `sqrt3` = 1.73

`75(1.73 -1)"m"`

= 54.91 m.

Hence, the Distance between the two ships is 54.91 m.

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Chapter 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry - Exercise 9.1 [Page 204]


NCERT Mathematics [English] Class 10
Chapter 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry
Exercise 9.1 | Q 13 | Page 204
RD Sharma Mathematics [English] Class 10
Chapter 12 Trigonometry
Exercise 12.1 | Q 29 | Page 31


At a point A, 20 metres above the level of water in a lake, the angle of elevation of a cloud is 30˚. The angle of depression of the reflection of the cloud in the lake, at A is 60˚.
Find the distance of the cloud from A.

A ladder against a vertical wall makes an angle of 45º with the ground. The foot of the ladder is 3m from the wall. Find the length of the ladder

A vertical tower stands on a horizontal plane and is surmounted by a flagstaff of height 7m. At a point on the plane, the angle of elevation of the bottom of the flagstaff is 30º and that of the top of the flagstaff is 45º. Find the height of the tower.

An aeroplane when flying at a height of 4000m from the ground passes vertically above another aeroplane at an instant when the angles of the elevation of the two planes from the same point on the ground are 60º and 45º respectively. Find the vertical distance between the aeroplanes at that instant

A circus artist is climbing a 20 m long rope, which is tightly stretched and tied from the top of a vertical pole to the ground. Find the height of the pole, if the angle made by the rope with the ground level is 30°.

A TV tower stands vertically on a bank of a canal. From a point on the other bank directly opposite the tower the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 60°. From another point 20 m away from this point on the line joining this point to the foot of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 30°. Find the height of the tower and the width of the canal.

Two points A and B are on the same side of a tower and in the same straight line with its base. The angles of depression of these points from the top of the tower are 60° and 45° respectively. If the height of the tower is 15 m, then find the distance between the points.

A kit is flying at a height of 75 metres from the ground level, attached to a string inclined at 60 to the horizontal. Find the length of the string to the nearest metre.

From the top of a building AB, 60 m high, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a vertical lamp post CD are observed to be 30° and 60° respectively. Find

1) the horizontal distance between AB and CD

2) the height of the lamp post.

3) the difference between the heights of the building and the lamp post.

The angle of elevation on the top of a building from the foot of a tower is 30° . The angle of elevation of the top of the tower when seen from the top of the second water is 60° .If the tower is 60m high, find the height of the building.

From the top of a tower of height 50 m, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a pole are 30° and 45° respectively. Find
(i) how far the pole is from the bottom of a tower,
(ii) the height of the pole. (Use \[\sqrt{3} = 1 . 732\])


Two poles of heights 18 metre and 7 metre are erected on a ground. The length of the wire fastened at their tops in 22 metre. Find the angle made by the wire with the horizontal.

The angles of elevation and depression of the top and bottom of a lamp post from the top of a 66 m high apartment are 60° and 30° respectively. Find the height of the lamp post

The angle of elevation of a cloud from a point h metres above a lake is β. The angle of depression of its reflection in the lake is 45°. The height of location of the cloud from the lake is

In given figure, the value of ZC is ____________.

In given figure, the value of AE is ____________.

A portion of a 60 m long tree is broken by a tornado and the top struck up the ground making an angle of 30° with the ground level. The height of the point where the tree is broken is equal to ____________.

If one looks from a tower 10 m high at the top of a flag staff, the depression angle of 30° is made. Also, looking at the bottom of the staff from the tower, the angle of the depression made is of 60°. Find the height of the flag staff.

An aeroplane when flying at a height of 3125 m from the ground passes vertically below another plane at an instant when the angles of elevation of the two planes from the same point on the ground are 30° and 60° respectively. Find the distance between the two planes at that instant.

At a point on level ground, the angle of elevation of a vertical tower is, found to be α such that tan α = `1/3`. After walking 100 m towards the tower, the angle of elevation β becomes such that tan β = `3/4`. Find the height of the tower. 



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