
Concept of Circle



Concept of Circle

Basic Terms Related to a Circle:

  • Circle: The collection of all the points in a plane, which are at a fixed distance from a fixed point in the plane, is called a circle.
  • Centre of a circle: The fixed point is called the centre of the circle.
  • The radius of a circle: The line segment joining the center and any point on the circle is called the radius of the circle. 
  • Circumference of a circle: The perimeter of the circle is called the circumference.
  • Chord of a circle: The line segment, joining any two points on the circumference of the circle, is called a chord
  • Sector of a circle: The region bounded by an arc and two radii, joining the centre to the endpoints of the arc, is called a sector.
  • A segment of a circle: The part of the circle bounded by an arc and a chord is called a segment. 

Example: The centre of the circle below is O. There are other points and lines given in the diagram.  Find the radii, chords, and diameters in the diagram and write their names in the box provided. 

Radius OM, OS, OP, OT
Diameter PS, MT
Chord NM, MT, PS


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Circle [00:28:17]



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