Find the multiplicative inverse of the complex number.
`sqrt5 + 3i`
Multiplicative inverse of `sqrt5 + 3i`
= `1/(sqrt5 + 3i) = 1/(sqrt5 + 3i) xx (sqrt5 - 3i)/ (sqrt5 - 3i)`
= `(sqrt5 - 3i)/(5 - 9i^2)`
= `(sqrt5 - 3i)/(5 +9)`
= `(sqrt(5) - 3i)/14`
= `sqrt5/14 - 3/14 i`
If `((1+i)/(1-i))^m` = 1, then find the least positive integral value of m.
Simplify the following and express in the form a + ib:
`(3"i"^5 + 2"i"^7 + "i"^9)/("i"^6 + 2"i"^8 + 3"i"^18)`
Simplify the following and express in the form a + ib:
`(5 + 7"i")/(4 + 3"i") + (5 + 7"i")/(4 - 3"i")`
Write the conjugates of the following complex number:
3 + i
If x + iy = (a + ib)3, show that `x/"a" + y/"b"` = 4(a2 − b2)
Find the value of x and y which satisfy the following equation (x, y∈R).
If x + 2i + 15i6y = 7x + i3 (y + 4), find x + y
Select the correct answer from the given alternatives:
If n is an odd positive integer then the value of 1 + (i)2n + (i)4n + (i)6n is :
Select the correct answer from the given alternatives:
`sqrt(-3) sqrt(-6)` is equal to
Answer the following:
Simplify the following and express in the form a + ib:
`(1 + 2/"i")(3 + 4/"i")(5 + "i")^-1`
Solve the following equation for x, y ∈ R:
2x + i9y (2 + i) = xi7 + 10i16
Answer the following:
Evaluate: i131 + i49
Answer the following:
Find the real numbers x and y such that `x/(1 + 2"i") + y/(3 + 2"i") = (5 + 6"i")/(-1 + 8"i")`
Answer the following:
Show that `(1 - 2"i")/(3 - 4"i") + (1 + 2"i")/(3 + 4"i")` is real
Evaluate: (1 + i)6 + (1 – i)3
Find the value of k if for the complex numbers z1 and z2, `|1 - barz_1z_2|^2 - |z_1 - z_2|^2 = k(1 - |z_1|^2)(1 - |"z"_2|^2)`
The real value of ‘a’ for which 3i3 – 2ai2 + (1 – a)i + 5 is real is ______.
If (2 + i) (2 + 2i) (2 + 3i) ... (2 + ni) = x + iy, then 5.8.13 ... (4 + n2) = ______.
State true or false for the following:
The points representing the complex number z for which |z + 1| < |z − 1| lies in the interior of a circle.
State true or false for the following:
If n is a positive integer, then the value of in + (i)n+1 + (i)n+2 + (i)n+3 is 0.
If the complex number z = x + iy satisfies the condition |z + 1| = 1, then z lies on ______.
The area of the triangle on the complex plane formed by the complex numbers z, –iz and z + iz is ______.
Evaluate `sum_(n = 1)^13 (i^n + i^(n + 1))`, where n ∈ N.
Find the complex number satisfying the equation `z + sqrt(2) |(z + 1)| + i` = 0.
State True or False for the following:
The locus represented by |z – 1| = |z – i| is a line perpendicular to the join of (1, 0) and (0, 1).
Find `|(1 + i) ((2 + i))/((3 + i))|`.
The real value of α for which the expression `(1 - i sin alpha)/(1 + 2i sin alpha)` is purely real is ______.
The point represented by the complex number 2 – i is rotated about origin through an angle `pi/2` in the clockwise direction, the new position of point is ______.
Let x, y ∈ R, then x + iy is a non-real complex number if ______.
The complex number z which satisfies the condition `|(i + z)/(i - z)|` = 1 lies on ______.
Let |z| = |z – 3| = |z – 4i|, then the value |2z| is ______.
A complex number z is moving on `arg((z - 1)/(z + 1)) = π/2`. If the probability that `arg((z^3 -1)/(z^3 + 1)) = π/2` is `m/n`, where m, n ∈ prime, then (m + n) is equal to ______.
If a complex number z satisfies the equation `z + sqrt(2)|z + 1| + i` = 0, then |z| is equal to ______.
If α and β are the roots of the equation x2 + 2x + 4 = 0, then `1/α^3 + 1/β^3` is equal to ______.
Simplify the following and express in the form a + ib.
`(3i^5 +2i^7 +i^9)/(i^6 +2i^8 +3i^18)`
Show that `(-1 + sqrt3 i)^3` is a real number.
Simplify the following and express in the form a + ib.
`(3"i"^5 + 2"i"^7 + "i"^9)/("i"^6 + 2"i"^8 + 3"i"^18)`
Evaluate the following: