`cos^2 theta + 1/((1+ cot^2 theta )) =1`
LHS = `cos^2 theta + 1/((1+cot^2 theta))`
=` cos^2 theta + 1/(cosec^2 theta)`
=` cos^2 theta + sin^2 theta`
Prove that sin6θ + cos6θ = 1 – 3 sin2θ. cos2θ.
If (secA + tanA)(secB + tanB)(secC + tanC) = (secA – tanA)(secB – tanB)(secC – tanC) prove that each of the side is equal to ±1. We have,
If acosθ – bsinθ = c, prove that asinθ + bcosθ = `\pm \sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}-c^{2}`
Evaluate sin25° cos65° + cos25° sin65°
Show that `sqrt((1+cosA)/(1-cosA)) = cosec A + cot A`
`Prove the following trigonometric identities.
`(sec A - tan A)^2 = (1 - sin A)/(1 + sin A)`
Prove the following identities:
`(sec A - 1)/(sec A + 1) = (1 - cos A)/(1 + cos A)`
Show that : `sinA/sin(90^circ - A) + cosA/cos(90^circ - A) = sec A cosec A`
If 5 `tan theta = 4,"write the value of" ((cos theta - sintheta))/(( cos theta + sin theta))`
Prove the following identity :
`(cosecA - sinA)(secA - cosA) = 1/(tanA + cotA)`
Prove the following identity :
`(tanθ + 1/cosθ)^2 + (tanθ - 1/cosθ)^2 = 2((1 + sin^2θ)/(1 - sin^2θ))`
Without using trigonometric identity , show that :
`sin(50^circ + θ) - cos(40^circ - θ) = 0`
Prove that :
2(sin6 θ + cos6 θ) − 3 (sin4 θ + cos4 θ) + 1 = 0
Prove that `sqrt((1 - sin θ)/(1 + sin θ)) = sec θ - tan θ`.
Prove that `sqrt(2 + tan^2 θ + cot^2 θ) = tan θ + cot θ`.
Prove that `tan^3 θ/( 1 + tan^2 θ) + cot^3 θ/(1 + cot^2 θ) = sec θ. cosec θ - 2 sin θ cos θ.`
Prove that identity:
`(sec A - 1)/(sec A + 1) = (1 - cos A)/(1 + cos A)`
Prove that `(1 + sintheta)/(1 - sin theta)` = (sec θ + tan θ)2
If 4 tanβ = 3, then `(4sinbeta-3cosbeta)/(4sinbeta+3cosbeta)=` ______.
Show that: `tan "A"/(1 + tan^2 "A")^2 + cot "A"/(1 + cot^2 "A")^2 = sin"A" xx cos"A"`