
Write the Value of `(1 - Cos^2 Theta ) Cosec^2 Theta`. - Mathematics



Write the value of `(1 - cos^2 theta ) cosec^2 theta`.


`(1- cos^2 theta ) cosec ^2 theta`

    = `sin^2 theta xx 1/ (sin^2 theta)`


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Chapter 8: Trigonometric Identities - Exercises 3


RS Aggarwal Mathematics [English] Class 10
Chapter 8 Trigonometric Identities
Exercises 3 | Q 2


Prove the following identities, where the angles involved are acute angles for which the expressions are defined:

`(tan theta)/(1-cot theta) + (cot theta)/(1-tan theta) = 1+secthetacosectheta`

[Hint: Write the expression in terms of sinθ and cosθ]

Prove the following trigonometric identities.

sec6θ = tan6θ + 3 tan2θ sec2θ + 1

Prove the following identities:

`(1 + cosA)/(1 - cosA) = tan^2A/(secA - 1)^2`

If x = r cos A cos B, y = r cos A sin B and z = r sin A, show that : x2 + y2 + z2 = r2

If sec A + tan A = p, show that:

`sin A = (p^2 - 1)/(p^2 + 1)`

`cot theta/((cosec  theta + 1) )+ ((cosec  theta +1 ))/ cot theta = 2 sec theta `

Show that none of the following is an identity:

`tan^2 theta + sin theta = cos^2 theta`

If cos  \[9\theta\] = sin \[\theta\] and  \[9\theta\]  < 900 , then the value of tan \[6 \theta\] is

Prove the following identity :

`(secA - 1)/(secA + 1) = sin^2A/(1 + cosA)^2`

Prove the following identity : 

`(1 + tan^2A) + (1 + 1/tan^2A) = 1/(sin^2A - sin^4A)`

Prove the following identity : 

`(1 + cotA + tanA)(sinA - cosA) = secA/(cosec^2A) - (cosecA)/sec^2A`

Prove the following identity : 

`[1/((sec^2θ - cos^2θ)) + 1/((cosec^2θ - sin^2θ))](sin^2θcos^2θ) = (1 - sin^2θcos^2θ)/(2 + sin^2θcos^2θ)`

Express (sin 67° + cos 75°) in terms of trigonometric ratios of the angle between 0° and 45°.

Prove that sec2 (90° - θ) + tan2 (90° - θ) = 1 + 2 cot2 θ.

If tan α = n tan β, sin α = m sin β, prove that cos2 α  = `(m^2 - 1)/(n^2 - 1)`.

Prove that `cos θ/sin(90° - θ) + sin θ/cos (90° - θ) = 2`.

Without using a trigonometric table, prove that
`(cos 70°)/(sin 20°) + (cos 59°)/(sin 31°) - 8sin^2 30° = 0`.

`5/(sin^2theta) - 5cot^2theta`, complete the activity given below.


`5/(sin^2theta) - 5cot^2theta`

= `square (1/(sin^2theta) - cot^2theta)`

= `5(square - cot^2theta)   ......[1/(sin^2theta) = square]`

= 5(1)

= `square`

Prove that cot2θ × sec2θ = cot2θ + 1

Prove that

sec2A – cosec2A = `(2sin^2"A" - 1)/(sin^2"A"*cos^2"A")`



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