
Find dydxdydx , if yxexy=xex - Mathematics and Statistics



Find `"dy"/"dx"` , if `"y" = "x"^("e"^"x")`



`"y" = "x"^("e"^"x")`

Taking logarithm of both the sides, 

log y = ex log x

Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, 

`1/"y" "dy"/"dx" = "e"^"x" . "d"/"dx"(log"x") + "log x" ."d"/"dx" ("e"^"x")`

`= "e"^"x". 1/"x" + "log x". "e"^"x"`

`= "e"^"x"(1/"x" + "log x")`

`therefore "dy"/"dx" = "y".["e"^"x" (1/"x" + "log x")]`

`= "x"^("e"^"x") . "e"^"x" (1/"x" + "log x")`

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2015-2016 (July)


Differentiate the following function with respect to x: `(log x)^x+x^(logx)`

Differentiate (x2 – 5x + 8) (x3 + 7x + 9) in three ways mentioned below:

  1. by using product rule
  2. by expanding the product to obtain a single polynomial.
  3. by logarithmic differentiation.

Do they all give the same answer?

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xx + xa + ax + aa, for some fixed a > 0 and x > 0

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`int  1/(16 - 9x^2) dx`

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